Pedalboard Pictures!

add in all digital in the category!

can get the magic stomp man. Its 80% of the ud stomp

Heh, sponsor? I give you the board if you wanna form a mando pop band with me, do nothing but chinese pop and must sing in mandarin also! We can be like ukelele, dong li hu che/powerstation etc! :lol:

Occassional must do hokkien songs of nightclub or canto song of lmf

the deal for shredcow only!

You and me, we can form tribute band for seletar, sing about the last wonderland of singapore thats going to become airport runway and hanger :cry:
yeah, thru some luck and a kind soul.

Digital delay rocksss. Not just the udstomp, the magicstomp itself can sorta get the sound i have been getting from digiverb,dl-4 and verbzilla together.

Interesting gadget
and then they were complaining that the magic stomp too didgitar....

the bad workman always blame his tools. :lol:
heh, not much different between both other than the UD can do 20% more than the delay setting in magicstomp.

But then, the magicstomp can do 80% what the ud cant do.
Theres even a sunno))) setting from the magicstomp. Rocksss borrocks and bore the phuq outta chuggah chuggah, haha
the old days, ah peks play number type, 2408369. The legal type is wearing green and known by unit number.

35 is one of the legal unit where our life got stuck like choking pipe in 2.5/2 years :cry:
old days, ah pek also gather at boon tak st or tanjong pagar there and put in joss sticks together swear bro bro. nowadays, all go tekong and tio pump still must call each other bro :lol:

Constipated pipe? I call it the most emo time of my life!