Pedalboard Pictures!

Image re-sized... Sorry for the health hazard.

They might be similar... But I've adjusted in a way that my sparkle drive acts as a clean volume boost, the mudhoney to give mild bluesy tones, the od-2 to give crunchy tones and the DP-1 to stack with the od-2 to give a metal-like sound...
Yeah, they can act independently to give me a really vast array of tones and combined to give me stacked hybrid drives and distortions
Try not to criss-cross your wires. That weakens the signal. How much is contentious, but usually better "safe" than sorry for purposes of retaining signal power.
Yeah... But no choice... Pedalboard a little too small...
Waiting to receive my pedal train pro from Ebenex... Plus getting some George L's... Sigh... Until then... Live with what I have!