Pedalboard Pictures!

hey reth thanks. erm...i stuck my mic straight at my speaker and recorded it into my computer. yep.
kinda figured the H2O was a little more l"lush" sounding? but am happy with the nano clone. cheers
mellapong- BOR is an interesting pedal, its not a hi gain pedal, more of low to med gain , it has lots of low end, which is good for marshall amps at high volumes and the boost portion is worth the money alone.

check out the zvex demo, it kinda nails the sound exactly.

leecs- yup , i never bother to fiddle with cameras ,,,hahah,,,misleading eh :D
Interesting to see the AC-2 after the POG...Do they work well together or u randomly arranged them together :lol: . just curious. :D
hi i use the POG solely for hammond organ sounds, and the AC 2 once in a while for fake acoustic sounds.

I never use them together.

hi i use the POG solely for hammond organ sounds, and the AC 2 once in a while for fake acoustic sounds.

I never use them together.

oh ok cool...ever tried using both together? i can only synthy acoustic sounds.. :lol:
i have tried using them together...its quite ok lah, the AC2 is something like an EQ, so u get diff freqs boosted i guess :D

now gassing for a HOG

The new line of pedals i got.

lol, can u guys post pics of ur custom pedalboards. cos im thinking of getting material from ikea and do it myself. but i wanna make it special, however, i lack ideas. :( got sweet examples to show?
Hi guys!

With minor arrangements and major velcro-ing, my pedal is refurbished and good to go! Still need them Geroge L's or Misse flatheads though...

Anyway, enjoy!

Hope it doesn't cause any GAS!
