Pedalboard Pictures!

ChanMin said:
haha... caught the barber direct drive bug eh .... shiokness pedal for solos...

Yeah, man.. I modded my Direct Drive a bit, actually.. Added a diode across the drive pot as per the Barber Electronics tweak page, except that I hooked it up to the push/pull pot on the Tone knob so that I can turn the diode on and off, so to speak.. I also hardwired the 'Fat' selection to always 'on' to make room for the diode selection.. I always used the pedal on 'Fat' anyway, so I found no need to keep pulling up the pot..

I've forgotten exactly which diode I used, though, 'cause I tried a whole bunch and then settled on one.. It could even have been an LED.. I'm suspecting the LED.. :?

snuffleupagus: I see you're more efficient, space-wise, with your board.. :D I believe we're using the same pedal case but you've seemed to have stuffed more into it then me.. Also, excuse my ignorance, but what's the pedal below your H2O? And the small, tiny one on your 'auxiliary' board? Er... And the one with the Q, T, R, N & O on it?

I see you've got a Boss Noise Suppressor too.. I never really liked what it did to my sound, though..
thanks for the compliments man, appreciate it..

yeah its a custom looper from blue ark(he's local) , called the crossroads27(named after my band), here's the link

basically in a nutshell, I have a tuner out, an A/B switch to choose between by clean and dirty loops, and a loop switch that i use to add modulation(H20), or cut modulation... :D
hi snuffles, sorry for another "describe your pedal" question...i'm interested in getting an envelope follower and the micro qtron looks tempting. Yay or nay...compared to the nano dr. Q?
shouheng said:
hi snuffles, sorry for another "describe your pedal" question...i'm interested in getting an envelope follower and the micro qtron looks tempting. Yay or nay...compared to the nano dr. Q?

Yay for micro qtron, ive only tried nano bassballs, too limited in options...micro Qtron is tweakable, and plus side, its cheap too...

I do own a guyatone WR3 though, microQtron is 3 times more versatile as compared to it... :D
ok steady thanks shred and snuffles. think going with the micro qtron. the tonefactor one too ex if factor in shipping. will be looking forward to some funk. :D
le_Doucereux said:
ChanMin said:
haha... caught the barber direct drive bug eh .... shiokness pedal for solos...

snuffleupagus: I see you're more efficient, space-wise, with your board.. :D I believe we're using the same pedal case but you've seemed to have stuffed more into it then me.. Also, excuse my ignorance, but what's the pedal below your H2O? And the small, tiny one on your 'auxiliary' board? Er... And the one with the Q, T, R, N & O on it?


ooh sorry bro, i get your question now, the small tiny black one is a keeley looper, to keep my auxilliary board pedals out of the signal chain when not in use...and the ones with the q.t.r.n is the EH micro Qtron, its an erm auto-wah kinda thing...

Cheers! :D
snuffleupagus said:
le_Doucereux said:
ChanMin said:
haha... caught the barber direct drive bug eh .... shiokness pedal for solos...

snuffleupagus: I see you're more efficient, space-wise, with your board.. :D I believe we're using the same pedal case but you've seemed to have stuffed more into it then me.. Also, excuse my ignorance, but what's the pedal below your H2O? And the small, tiny one on your 'auxiliary' board? Er... And the one with the Q, T, R, N & O on it?


ooh sorry bro, i get your question now, the small tiny black one is a keeley looper, to keep my auxilliary board pedals out of the signal chain when not in use...and the ones with the q.t.r.n is the EH micro Qtron, its an erm auto-wah kinda thing...

Cheers! :D

Hehh... No worries.. I love that Crossroads 27.. Been planning to build something like that, just on a less elaborate scale.. I have more simple needs.. :p

How's the Qtron, by the way?
Hmm, Im not much of an auto wah person, so Im not sure if I am the best to judge.BUT, it gives me alot of options to tweak, Vs my Guyatone WR3(I have alot of pedals that were not shown in the pic :D ) , I would say that the micro qtron does what it does, with more options compared to the WR3...

Hmm, there is no volume drop in my Micro qtron and I keep it out of my main signal chain so Im not too sure about the buffer(or is supposed to be one of those true mechanical bypass/hardwire thingie?)... :D
snuffleupagus said:
ASK ME ABOUT the POG lah! :D

the POG rocks so hard it makes me feel like I am the best hammond player for bob marley RASTA in town :D

Ok, so what's the POG like? :D

Actually, that's another one I've never heard of.. But you mentioned Bob and Rasta, so it MUST be good..

You guys are bad for me!!
le_Doucereux said:
snuffleupagus said:
ASK ME ABOUT the POG lah! :D

the POG rocks so hard it makes me feel like I am the best hammond player for bob marley RASTA in town :D

Ok, so what's the POG like? :D

Actually, that's another one I've never heard of.. But you mentioned Bob and Rasta, so it MUST be good..

You guys are bad for me!!


check this till the end, the ending is what im talking about...good luck with gas... :D
Hi peeps, my current pedal setup, just to share:

The entire board

A closer look

Another pic of the whole board

Sorry for the low-res pics from my hp. Just my simple setup.
This will change come end Nov/Dec... thanks for looking!
Thanks for the notice, I uploaded the wrong pic.

anyway, the 3-way mod was done by Randolf. Middle Switch position gives the typical Dyna Comp sound. Left position gives slightly more highs, and the right hand position really lets the highs come thru(useful for U2-like delay riffs).

I don't know the technicalities behind these, unfortunately, so maybe one of the experts here can explain better. Or even Randolf himself. =)
Kenneth, really cool stuff onboard there. Alittle curious, using the RC as clean boost and BBE as always on buffer? Where do u place the RC in your chain? Hehe, mine's going through some revamp now....also gonna finish by end nov/dec
hey edo, thanks, nothing much compared to what lots of ppl have here. =)

I realised I patched the pedals wrongly, the RC(which is always on as a clean boost yes) should come before the TS9, right after the CS3. I haven't experimented fully yet, I might switch the TS9 and the Hotcake, but I just put the Hotcake in front for now since I use it more. Once the screwdriver n mayo come in...things will change for sure. Also gonna have a 6 loop pedal, that's gonna take up a lot of real estate.

As for the BBE, yeah I normally have it on, but I don't dial in too much usually.

All this in 2 mths. GAS does hit hard. :?
Ah ok, cause im using my RC as an always on...still experimenting to put at last of chain before my DD20, or at the start of chain. You're like hardcore having 2 buffers/tone-sweetener at the same time lol.

Talk about being hit hard, I've got a custom guitar to finish and an EB vol pedal to's that? :lol: Those flat plugs sure save space eh?