Pedalboard Pictures!

ShredCow said:
le_Doucereux said:
Dude, the RMC3 is sweeeeeet.. Takes some time to setup nicely, though, 'cos of the sheer number of variables you can play with.. My other complaint is that the pedal itself is too loose.. It won't even stay in a position by itself.. Any ideas how to tighten it up?

There is a little something under the paddle.... its uh... how to say... use an allen key and tighten it. :)

Yeah, I know.. I tightened it all the way but it's still too loose.. :(

What's this screwdriver you're all going on about? (Great.. Asking for more GAS..)
KennethC said:
ShredCow said:
I .... don't intend to get a pedalboard soon... really. I hope I don't have to. I mean. Heck. More space means gotta fill it up no?

And what's the trouble with that? fill it to the brim bruthaa!!! I've gone from zilch to quite a lot in a short span of 2 mths, and more to come in nov and dec from the usa. when it hits, it hits hard. :smt062

Also, I'm thinking of what custom graphic to have on the screwdriver. =)

Trying to have a limit. :D
I regard myself as a simple player just od/dist/wah, and I'm done, really... so hehe... while I would use a phaser or something, its not going to be used enough to jusitfy its existance in my home (note, not pedalboard).
I already have an MIJ Boss OC-2 sitting around.
le_Doucereux said:
What's this screwdriver you're all going on about? (Great.. Asking for more GAS..)

Its my main drive pedal. That and the blackstone MOSFET overdrive.

I'm still trying out drive pedals but nothing else comes closer to the tone in my head than those 2. Tone that is in my head = sizzle, harmonics and no mid boost unless I want some (for whatever reason), transparent = the character of what I put in (e.g. guitar, humbuckers/single coils etc) will be preserved.

Msg me on msn lah... hahah...
ShredCow said:
I regard myself as a simple player just od/dist/wah, and I'm done, really...

All this while since knowing you, I've never once regarded you as a simple player with just a few key tools.

You are a gear whore through and through! :lol:
amen to that....dan the gearwhore...hehe...

the for custom graphics...I got my gfs pic on mine....sentiment oh sentiment... :lol:
HEHE I considered that before I put it on....more like shes up on stage wid me :wink:

this brings up the interesting arguemtn about the Budda Wah....religous lawsuits anyone
bluepowder said:
HEHE I considered that before I put it on....more like shes up on stage wid me :wink:

this brings up the interesting arguemtn about the Budda Wah....religous lawsuits anyone

hehehehehhe. i play the budda wah i bought off you in church lol.
i would be using a budda wah now if not for the name and pic on it. its just not very nice la. like it doesnt feel right using it. it sounds great but the name totally turns me away. haha.. but theres always RMC wahs!