Pedalboard Pictures!

PatheinRaindropMoe said:
it seem like in term of collecting, wont the ce-1 be more highly sought after?

not many people are fond of collecting pedals just for the sake of collecting pedals. most usually collect and play at the same time. not only is the CE-1 big in size, it is also quite a noisy pedal ( from what I read ). the voodoo labs analog chorus is like a zhng-ed version of it :)

I saw someone selling a Boss CE-1 on yahoo auctions a few years back. if I'm no mistaken, his price was $250. IMO I guess there isnt really a collector's market for pedals here in Singapore.
AgingYouth said:
Someone introduce bro relinquish69 bro to Thomas 'Do you have a Strut?" Leong please!!!

whos that :p ?

j_m_s said:
ah. cool man.. 2 shells. and u got a box too!!!!!!!.. where did u buy ur ce2 from? orange guitar?

correction my friend. one CE-2 and an empty shell for display. that is the only Boss box that I have. collectors just like collecting :lol: .

I lurk around guitar stores when I have the free time. after endless minutes of persuasion, I usually get my stuff a tad bit cheaper than the standard market price.

the next best stop is the luthermusic classifieds :)

there are lots of CE-2s here in Singapore. just open your eyes and be prepared for a haggling session :twisted:

well, if you cant find any around. orangeguitar would be the best place to go to since its always available there ( I think ).
haha. my sv1 is fine for the moment. will only get a ce2 much later la.. not so soon. unless i get a real good deal.
relinquish69 said:
I saw someone selling a Boss CE-1 on yahoo auctions a few years back. if I'm no mistaken, his price was $250. IMO I guess there isnt really a collector's market for pedals here in Singapore.

the guy who is selling, is a friend. Too bad he has sold off most of his collection and at too good a price for many of the stuff he is selling.

Yeah, I know it's a lot Boss stuff, but they're decent for the price.. Chain goes like this:

Guitar -> CS-3 -> Wah (RMC 3 by Real McCoy Custom) -> Barber Electronics Direct Drive -> Rutt (from Wake Me Up Music) -> Ernie Ball volume pedal -> Line Selector -> amp (usually a Fender Blues Jnr)..

The Line Selector controls the loop to the DD-6, TR-2, PH2 and CE-5.. Another loop goes to my tuner (which has seen much better days :cry: ).. I try to keep as many of the non-True Bypass pedals out of the signal chain as much as I can, hence the Line Selector..

le_Doucereux, nice to see your board... has changed quite a bit from the time @ SYFC eh?

This is sort of how mine looks like:


From when I had nothing! 8O :lol:
Dude, the RMC3 is sweeeeeet.. Takes some time to setup nicely, though, 'cos of the sheer number of variables you can play with.. My other complaint is that the pedal itself is too loose.. It won't even stay in a position by itself.. Any ideas how to tighten it up?

Daniel: Yeah, things have changed, eh? I got tired of being the last one to finish setting up all the time.. Of course, the fact that I'm working now helps a lot!! :D By the way, isn't that the same bag I was using back then? Also, is that Compressor modded? Sorry, I can't make out the pedals in your picture very well so I can't id half of them..

Oh, and it's Shaun with a U not Shawn.. :wink: Pet peeve of mine..
Hey Dan,

your moo moo scewdriver looks like a camo screwdriver in the pic! You using the westfield bag too? (or maybe urs is the upper class EHX bag hehe) Are u intending to get a pedalboard/case? :D
le_Doucereux said:
Dude, the RMC3 is sweeeeeet.. Takes some time to setup nicely, though, 'cos of the sheer number of variables you can play with.. My other complaint is that the pedal itself is too loose.. It won't even stay in a position by itself.. Any ideas how to tighten it up?

There is a little something under the paddle.... its uh... how to say... use an allen key and tighten it. :)

le_Doucereux said:
Daniel: Yeah, things have changed, eh? I got tired of being the last one to finish setting up all the time.. Of course, the fact that I'm working now helps a lot!! :D By the way, isn't that the same bag I was using back then? Also, is that Compressor modded? Sorry, I can't make out the pedals in your picture very well so I can't id half of them..

Oh, and it's Shaun with a U not Shawn.. :wink: Pet peeve of mine..

Haha, well yeah, working helps. :D We should get together and jam a little lah. Hehe... I'm still using the same old guitar, remember the "leather" finish?

I can't recall what bag you used last time... hehe... yeah, that compressor is modded, its by Randolf... but I no longer use it, got a local builder's take on an optical compressor design, more to my taste. I shall take a pic of my pedalboard again when I get some misc stuff in.

:p Shaun. Hehehe...
le_Doucereux,cool board!

Daniel, any idea how much the wheels of fire wah is gna cost in SGD? haha. it loooks soo attractive
KennethC said:
Hey Dan,

your moo moo scewdriver looks like a camo screwdriver in the pic! You using the westfield bag too? (or maybe urs is the upper class EHX bag hehe) Are u intending to get a pedalboard/case? :D

Yeah... wait till the one with a while black finish comes in. ;)

Its the EHX, i wasn't aware that its "upper class" though its a hardy thing, been with me for some time, brought it to a lot of places, and still working well without a tear.

I .... don't intend to get a pedalboard soon... really. I hope I don't have to. I mean. Heck. More space means gotta fill it up no?
ShredCow said:
I .... don't intend to get a pedalboard soon... really. I hope I don't have to. I mean. Heck. More space means gotta fill it up no?

And what's the trouble with that? fill it to the brim bruthaa!!! I've gone from zilch to quite a lot in a short span of 2 mths, and more to come in nov and dec from the usa. when it hits, it hits hard. :smt062

Also, I'm thinking of what custom graphic to have on the screwdriver. =)