Pedalboard Pictures!

Jon: Nope, I don't get any hum when I use the wah. It'll get nasty if i crank the tonebender and muff together with the wah on but thats pretty normal haha.

Skipper: I just took out my pt-2 and put the pedals on yesterday. Couldn't be bothered to neaten it up as I usually take pedals off onto a smaller board for jams or small gigs. Plus I'm just too lazy to cable tie and make everything look nice haha.

Justin: Sure, once I a/b the FGC and signa I'll let u know which I choose. The thing is they're both different compressors so its a tough decision haha.
Whoop! From left to right we have MIJ DD3, MIJ CE2, My beloved crunchbox, Ibanez TS808 Reissue, MIJ CS2 and Boss TU3, not to forget the mighty BCB6!

was about to lay the cables when i thought "say cheese!" :)



Gorm! \m/
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Latest board, about to finalize it, still got some stuff to add and some rearranging to do! CE2 is there only to act as a buffer, which should be worked out.. soon.
high 5 back!

skipper, get a space instead!
then sell the timefactor and get a timeline :p
eventide space + strymon timeline = ultimate reverb+delay combo LOL
Yesterday before a session in church i happened to be surfing the open mic section among other things looking to be inspired.

One page lead to another and I found myself on Justin Koh's soundcloud.

Was pleasantly taken aback by the complexity of the recorded ambient loop work. He's more well known to us as carboxymoron.

lol.. dude i hope you dont mind but i'm pretty sure in a moment of surrender, i might have ripped your starting lick from "fleetingly." albeit with less complexity! lol *thumbs up*

you are my new hero until further notice. lol
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Wah. You're too kind man. Anyway the tracks are Creative Commons licensed, meaning you can use or reuse, although I didn't imagine it might be used in worship :)

And I'm confused why we're on this thread!
Haha quite random to post it here..

Justin: Can start fan club alr man.. Maybe if you sign your Les Paul people will buy it haha.

L-R: EWS Subtle Volume Control (Scott Henderson signature), Xotic EP Booster, Visual Sound H2O V2, Suhr Riot Distortion, Xotic AC Booster Comp Custom Shop, TC Electronics Polytune, PT Mini
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