Pedalboard Pictures!

Orange drop in guitar, lemon drop, citrus compressor....
Oh joking. Hahaha.
I love fuzzes too, but i would say the OD is more useable for all situations, i guess.
wck, its Tommy's take on the Vox 4 and 7 series amp. Apparently the guy who did the clip owned one of those amps in the past and he said it really gets in that ballpark. That's pretty damn cool. It's great for those early Beatles tones like Revolver and stuff.

His pedals really really sound unique. The Lemon Drop and Jelly Roll sound nothing like any pedal out there today in the market.
latest and last update for awhile.




No idea how to fit the favourite switch, the dm2 and the boosty on LOL.
Jon: Yeah, thats what I like about his pedals (mostly from demos). They're not some run of the mill dirt pedal that sounds the same which makes it really interesting. The regular marshalls in a box are great but gets boring sometimes, thats why theres builders like lumpy's!

jms: I'm sure those can fit onto the pt-2. Just need to slowly figure out how to haha.
yeah im already gonna do that, but it has to wait. gotta get my new power supply first and see how i can affix everything properly. haha prolly gonna get a smaller favourite switch too..
wck, its Tommy's take on the Vox 4 and 7 series amp. Apparently the guy who did the clip owned one of those amps in the past and he said it really gets in that ballpark. That's pretty damn cool. It's great for those early Beatles tones like Revolver and stuff.

His pedals really really sound unique. The Lemon Drop and Jelly Roll sound nothing like any pedal out there today in the market.

Ehh jam before you enlist leh hahaha. 6 months more to the second KoT heheheh.. $$

Finally filled up my PT-2! Though i doubt the cioks is counted :p
Lotsa overlap as far is dirt is concerned.
Hoping to replace the Mantra and LM with a bearfoot HBOD and a Fetto Nord sometime...hmmmm :cool:
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Lol aye aye. Very gassy place that one.

Ah thats a Plum Crazy Efx Fuzzy Lady. Got it a couple months ago. Didn't bond with it at first so tucked it away and tried to sell it to no avail.

But just took it out a couple hours ago to give it another go and i think i'm starting to 'get it'. haha. So might not be selling it after all.
Using batteries FYI.
@Tackline wondering what kinda music you play? There's a good variety of quality stuff there but I can't help but notice it's half dirt and half delay, no mods.
@Tackline wondering what kinda music you play? There's a good variety of quality stuff there but I can't help but notice it's half dirt and half delay, no mods.

Wellll i either play at home or in church. At home it's alot of post-rock kinda stuff, some heavy riffing and such. A little shoegaze here and there. Dabble in jazz a little at times. At church its your usual dotted 8th and rhythmic delay-ish stuff.

Yep you're right i've got no mods at present, partly cuz no moolah, but also because i have this feeling that i wouldn't be utilizing mods that much. But i do have my eyes on the TC Nova mod. Not anytime soon though haha.

Dirt-wise like i mentioned above, i've got alot of overlap really. Truth be told i think i could live with just the Twosome, timmy and fuzzy lady. The twosome musket side with guitar vol knob rolled back gives some really sweet sounding OD.

But i guess i like to tweak and experiment haha. But the LM hasn't been doing much for me. Sounds rather brittle to my ears, with my set-up.
Ahhh. I play in a post-rock band and in church as well. Certainly would be more than happy with a board like yours haha. I'm using the poor man's Timmy though (my favourite Cool Cat TOD v1) and I've been hunting for an EP Booster/EP Pre.
Ahhh. I play in a post-rock band and in church as well. Certainly would be more than happy with a board like yours haha. I'm using the poor man's Timmy though (my favourite Cool Cat TOD v1) and I've been hunting for an EP Booster/EP Pre.

Haha yeah well, it took quite abit of flipping to get here, and i foresee a little more flipping to be sure heh. Okay honestly i was a little underwhelmed by the timmy. It didnt blow my socks off despite the reviews. Its useful to be sure, and it is transparent definitely. But dont see what the hype is all about heh.

Yeah the ep-booster is pretty cool, apart from the lack of unity gain. The dipswitches inside make it a pretty accomadative pedal too. I leave it on all the time. Adds some sparkle and 'liveliness' to my sound.
Haha yeah well, it took quite abit of flipping to get here, and i foresee a little more flipping to be sure heh. Okay honestly i was a little underwhelmed by the timmy. It didnt blow my socks off despite the reviews. Its useful to be sure, and it is transparent definitely. But dont see what the hype is all about heh.

Yeah the ep-booster is pretty cool, apart from the lack of unity gain. The dipswitches inside make it a pretty accomadative pedal too. I leave it on all the time. Adds some sparkle and 'liveliness' to my sound.

Haha buying and selling gear is neverending.. Yeah, the ep is cool.. It tames a harsh strat/ tele really well too.
I just sent in my tele to change the bridge to a Gotoh modern tele bridge and put in a Dimarzio Chopper T humbucker, so I could definitely use a "sparkly" booster lol. Especially since I will never have space for a BBE Sonic Stomp or the like. Don't see EP Boosters/Pre's on the 2nd hand market much though :(

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