i think so too potatoman. its a keeper for me.
on a not so related note
...i got 3 simple rules which i
never stray from as far as pedals are concerned:
1) never have more than 4 pedals of the same 'type' (fuzz, od, etc). if i want another, i must sell one.
2) never spend more than usd300 for a pedal. unless its a pedal that does alot or is multifunctional (say, an eventide) in which case i wont pay more than usd500-600.
3) never wait for a pedal longer than 4 months. 5 months is possible if its unique in sound and features (not some artificially created uniqueness from controlled supply, fancy artwork, out of production, signed, etc).
as much as i am tempted to, i try to resist falling into "collector" or "chasing toys no one else has" type of thinking. it has to be about using tools to create sounds. not about the tools themselves or how much money i can throw at them