Pedalboard Pictures!

Lovepedal @ PGS out of stock.
Anyone have experience with how often they restock?
I can wait though =D,
my friends can't, they want the free shipping ahahah
If sean michael is in the mood, it would be fast. If he has a new idea, maybe u ll find ur pedal is discontinued. Hehe.

Haha I think discontinuing his stuff and re-releasing in limited quantity is just a marketing scam. I don't think its because of a new idea heh.
March 2008.

3. Long. Years.

i waited 3 mths for a farndurk and already thought that was way too long - but 3 years? for a pedal? amazing :o
edit: and congrats on finally getting it! \m/

wck, i agree with u on lovepedal..i think its a supply/demand strategy thing (but i still dig my kalamazoo) :)
The kalamazoo is one of lovepedals most amazing pedals in my opinion :) something really worth the money. The design is classy too.

Speaking of waiting, ive got another 8 months till my second Analogman King Of Tone arrives hehehe :D
No doubt some Lovepedals are top notch, but he has so many limited versions with different unique "improvements", and never all the changes in the same box. He's managed to create some kinda mythical aura around some of the rarer variations. It's quite a turn off compared to builders who openly document and include as many improvements as possible as a true service to all their customers.

Anyway, since there was so much talk of upsizing to PT-2's, I decided to grab one of the PT Jr's floating around:

I could use some mini boost/drive pedals. EP Booster / EP Pre maybe?
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i think so too potatoman. its a keeper for me.

on a not so related note :)...i got 3 simple rules which i never stray from as far as pedals are concerned:

1) never have more than 4 pedals of the same 'type' (fuzz, od, etc). if i want another, i must sell one.

2) never spend more than usd300 for a pedal. unless its a pedal that does alot or is multifunctional (say, an eventide) in which case i wont pay more than usd500-600.

3) never wait for a pedal longer than 4 months. 5 months is possible if its unique in sound and features (not some artificially created uniqueness from controlled supply, fancy artwork, out of production, signed, etc).

as much as i am tempted to, i try to resist falling into "collector" or "chasing toys no one else has" type of thinking. it has to be about using tools to create sounds. not about the tools themselves or how much money i can throw at them :)
i think so too potatoman.

I'm sorry.. that made me laugh my ass off in my cubicle. Bet my colleagues are freaked out right about now.

superpotato_30 (aka potatoman): ahh dont do that man.. u make me wanna get a higher gain mod version KOT!
defender of potatos

lame joke alert:

that would make you skipperman, me iceman, and moro..err..i mean carboxyman
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I think I've got another 1.5 years or so for the KOT.. Even though I have something against lovepedal I gotta admit the kal is their best so far.

Iceman: Practical rules there, I've kept rule 1 and 2.. But the KOT made me break rule 3 haha. No harm in waiting tho, I'll be stuck in camp anw..
i'm not so educated on overdrives but i love the kal's sound. on its own or stacked with a BOR dialed low with the SHO side kicking its arse :)

edit: i did think about the KOT. so many positive opinions. but neither the ebay prices nor analogman's production schedule agree with my rules on to the next thing for me lah LOL

i guess lovepedal isnt alone in their practices but i do wish they would keep a pedal in production longer LOL. everytime they come ou with something its like a mad rush against the clock

ya wck, they might seem 'weird' or silly, but as an average salaried joe with family, they help keep things in perspective for me :)
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noise suppressors - ISP Decimator vs MXR Noise Clamp.

which one doesn't tone suck. i know ISP does not tone suck, but it cost a bomb and on PGS, damn thing sold out, try to google review on MXR Noise Clamp nothing comes out, anywhere know where i can test MXR Noise Clamp locally?