Pedalboard Pictures!


as much as i love and use my m9 a lot.. Dont think I can ever fully move away from single pedals!

Not the fully updated rig though, got some stuff in the mail..

For those who might know me better. Yes that's a DD5.. again. I've lost count but i think this is my 6th DD5... twice bitten thrice shy? I think not...

Flaw spotted: Cheapo patch cable! :mad: nah kidding. Nice. Whats coming?
DL... a fuzz is on the way. HAHAHAH

I dont have multiple pedals as once..

i bought and sold the dd5s time and time again.. max i had was 3 at once..on two boards.
they;re not asking for the pedals, but rather the arrangement of the pedals.

what goes into what and etc etc.
Lalala gonna lend my Suhr Riot to Mr Pedalitis hahah.

Only drive will be the KoT for a while.

Sorry posting my board will be delayed to those who asked :)
Nice board. Really hell lot of available options

You dont find the BB abit too compressed?

I found it too compressed for my liking. Neat board anyway :)