Pedalboard Pictures!

Cavett: I like the compression of the BB too, u shd try the BB andy timmons model. Even more compressed, great for a dirty and compressed boost.

Nice board btw, neat and covers a quite alot of sounds.
Thanks but I tried that link when I was looking up on it and it couldnt load.

Can't tell much from the clips except that its pretty dynamic and has a fuzz face vibe to it. Seems like it can cop some OD sounds too.
yup fuzz face meets OD kinda sound..

Search for the demos by Alex Nifong. Love those tones.

btw if you want one. head over to TGP builder's emporium and snag one. he's discontinuing these. last 10 (and i think only 5 or 6 units left)
Thanks dudelove, posted before I saw your post.

j_m_s: Tempting but I'm happy with my fuzzes now (plus I've got 4 fuzzes on my board now heh) Think I need more low gain OD than fuzz, hopefully an EQD white light.

How are u liking it tho? I find it weird without a volume control haha.
Thats great. I would expect the volume knob to be able to control more gain than level, so a large volume boost isnt possible right?

I dont know anything about electronics but its pretty amazing how pedal makers make pedals without a basic control like a dirt pedal with no tone/ volume/ gain and still make it sound great to the masses.
I feel like a kid again .... But I can't wait to post up my new concoction of pedals ... My best board to date without a doubt ........ But it's not done yet ... It'll be up soon ...
I still have major gas for a screwdriver up to now. Does anyone know a pedal that can do what it does, or even better? want to explore alternatives! love the low gain sounds on the screwdriver yep! really a fuzz noob here *shrugs*
My latest pedalboard! Have never been happier with the different tones I can get... :p


Are those "snake" lights sticking out beside your wah? I'm looking for such lights which can be clipped onto a pedalboard - for those dark avenues and for playing in my room. Any idea where I can get 'em?
I still have major gas for a screwdriver up to now. Does anyone know a pedal that can do what it does, or even better? want to explore alternatives! love the low gain sounds on the screwdriver yep! really a fuzz noob here *shrugs*



Not for sale tho haha.. U might be able to find one on TGP or sth. Other than that I don't really know what sounds like a screwdriver.
You could try a hybrid fuzz face pushed with a single transistor boost tho. Might get something similar.
dude love the pink pedal makes my heart beat the same way as when i watched transformers. what kind of booster is it and how much did it cost you?
thanks wck... have no idea what a screwball is, it does look really customed!