New member
cool board..covers alot of ground with just 3 pedals although like u said..the powering could be better.
hows stacking the sahasrara with the 7th working out?
Makes for awesome lead tone, however i use these 2 pedals as standalone. If i use the sahasrara as a boost, it would have to have its volume knob way higher, which will mean i cant use it as a standalone because it'll be too loud. I was shocked today, at 18v with the same delay settings, both retained my guitars tone VERY well. the seventh had more bite and better dynamics that let me dig in for more volume whereas the sahasrara gave a smoother, sparkler round tone.
Any suggestions on how i could improve the powering?
Pathein: i didnt know!! if not i would have definitely gotten a verbzilla last time...