thanks superpotato_30 once again. i owe u man. t-rex fuel tank jnr was an early christmas present from him. AWESOME.
after this many softies are going to pm u for christmas presents :twisted:
Nice revision dudelove! keke damn ur od section is really similar to mine.....a barber dd and ltd although of slight differences. :mrgreen:
nice board! DSLR? haha.
haha yeah opposite. ur dd is ordinary, while mine isnt, my ltd is ordinary (i changed the knobs :mrgreenwhile urs isnt.
hey what op amp does the silver use? i found a jrc072b inside my ltd instead of a jrc4558 as proguitarshop mentioned in their demo.
i cant wait for sound clips for their new pedal. the.. crap i cant rmb the name. the high gain distortion
has anyone tried attaching the fueltank below their pedaltrain?