ahh... here you go.
I was working with WMUM for a while back for around 2 years or so, and I decided to build this overdrive pedal for WMUM cos they were very nice to me, giving me a room to do my stuff. There were orders, I was kinda experiencing pedal building burnout blah blah blah.... travelling to and fro JB-SG everyday, stress was killing me blah blah blah.....
Long story cut short, after parting ways for a while with WMUM lazing around drinking beer, eating good food, spending a lot of time with my girl and my 2 dogs, I wanted to "seriously" (note since when I ever get serious... even now :mrgreen

get something done under my own label. So Om Laboratories was born.
I really liked what I came out with the circuit design of the OD pedal as well as the box layout and so I tweaked the circuit to a little bit more to my liking, got professional silkscreen guys to do up the box, designed a better pcb board, got professional pcb manufacturers to get the boards done, upgraded quality of the components used, sourced for nice fitting box for packaging and got a nice bunch of stickers done. All the graphic design was done with a lot of help from the ever dependable bro mrmisse bro.
So there you go. The story of the Sahasrara Overdrive.