No Smoking rules at Pubs and nite clubs

The cigarettes boxes here painted many false claim. Honetly, I don't like the smell of cigarettes myself I mean the smoke as I only chew tobacco. But, we can't falsify any information which we think would make people stop the habit.

Like for instance, you see a picture of a foot disease on some cigarette boxes. Where they got all this idea? That foot disease has no significant relation with smoking a cigarrette. Unless, you burnt it with your litted cigarette. Hahaha......!!! But, the fact smoking has some harmful effect too. We all have to be realistic with the facts. There are pros and cons in many matters. Like for smoking in this case. There is no case of having a foot disease by smoking. Scientific evident have to be proven for any case of that sort. Being an educated society, we have the right to ask for evident if such cases ever existed in the first place. But unfortunately, many like myself just leave the matter to rest. Some would believe 100% of what being told even though it's just a pure lie.

But one thing for sure, I am supportive of the ban in cigarettes in Pubs and night life. I won't have that stinky smell when I go home after patronising the place. An alternative, a smoking pub should be allowed with a minimum quota. So, smokers will all packed there.

Hah. Reminds of a few weeks ago. Smoking some hundred metres away from St James, a few people came to me asking for lighter and smoking in the corner.
i think the cig boxes that sez smoking causing cancer might be wrong......coz most of the research done for cigs effect done using observational, or survey methods.........for sure they cant use experiment............they kinda like seeing correlation between variable A and B........

but, correlation between A n B could result in three ways.......A cause changes in B........B cause changes in A......or, a third variable C cause changes in A and B, even if A and B aint influencin each other......

so, i really think tat cigs may or may not cause cancer.......maybe there are some genetic stuff...or chemical shit......or genetic n chemical stuff n shit....that influencin the result.......

but im not sayin tat people should start smoke or somethin......coz the hazard might be for real.....but still i disagree with bannin smoking in pub.....
its well "proven" in a sense that a majority of lung cancer and whatever illnesses they have patients happen to be smokers as well, thats how you MEDICALLY prove it. unless you wana call it a HUGE coincidence. being a smoker myself. yeah i cant stand the pub ban, though clubs im still okay with.
MARKEDYMARK - got a light? wud luv 2 but later I kena accused being not good example to the young in this forum :evil:
Being a smoker, I fully support this ban...But I hope that one day the govt will just ban smoking altogether so that I won't feel like a fool paying so much money(they just increased again btw) just to kill myself.Cigs taxes are so high here, and yet we are so inconvienienced,stoopid rite?

Ive been trying to quit for years, but it seems that since cigs are so readily available, and most of my friends smoke, its really hard to quit lah, and its getting depressing.Especially when I go for reservist training, nothing to do but smoke only. :?
snuff, its all in the mind... its all in the fricken weak mind of ours.

been a smoker since secondary school but I'm like 99% rehab for around 2 years already. I'd occasionally get on Parasite Smoker mode and steal a stick when I'm REALLY REALLY drunk eg, APB tour and the last Ibrew challenge. So its like less than 5 sticks a year. :wink:

wanna stop do it cold turkey. It helps if you have colleagues and friends who had died/suffered of throat cancer and tumour.

I had a colleague who passed away due to throat cancer. It wasn't a nice feeling at all seeing him lying there on the bed skin and bones. Couldn't even talk.

Another had a tumour as large as a Kiwi fruit bulging out from his chest. Did chemo, lost hair, lost weight, went for operation and thank goodness he survived. Ironic though is that he's still smoking but I don't ever wanna go where they've been man.
a long-long time US after they passed the law tat sez people should use seat belts in car....the number of traffic accidents increase.....which means more people went to hospital under this seat belts law..........does tat mean that seat belts = more traffic incidents?....
Bigbadda - The increase in accidents is probaly more due to an increase in cars (total number on roads), drivers (more chance of meeting a lousy one) and top speeds (drive fast = less time to react = more accidents)
It's been proven smokiin is unhealthy for sure....


My grandad was a heavy smoker and smoked a pack a day all his life. He died of old age at 89 years. My aunt, his daughter who was a non smoker health fanatic, excercised regularly, ate the right food etc died of lung cancer at 50.

I guess sometimes you just cant say....