No Smoking rules at Pubs and nite clubs

the law can't ban cigarettes on the grounds that it is bad for your health.

anyone watched demolition man starring sylvester stallone? "salt is bad for your health and is therefore banned"
"someone" means tat there r other factors...wat if the cig smokers tat got cancer got other factors as well...other factors tat might contribute tat they share.......kinda like their to sleepin late, poor eatin habit, sedentary livin.......i mean maybe smokers share a certain lifestlye tat contribute to the cancer.......or maybe there r some type of personality tat make prone to cancer....not merely the cigs tat causin the cancer.......because there r people who smoke n dont get cancer...........
to go to a pub is to drink and smoke..PERIOD. tis is blasphemy! in fact they should make non-smoking areas coz 80% of the people in pubs SMOKE. majority wins biatch! but oh well. :roll:
Don't go knocking on my door, i was only joking :P

but we should fight for our rights! (im planning to quit btw.) hahaha
hey but theres no rules abt giving talks on smoking and emphasizing on its pros more than its cons. right? if there is a doctor who smokes n is willing to give a talk, can rebel following proper protocol! dave...cannot quit ah. U quit means u admit defeat u know? Thank you for smoking, love tt movie.
Nightmare man - I went clubbing - Can Drink only - Smoking they ask me to go outside...Smoke liao - then come in again - somemore...nah-bei I go out by the Back-Door come back in by the Backdoor (short-cut) that night ...KNN ...where got meaning lah ...wah chai-lat somemore I smoke alot one....Hahahahaha ! :lol: ..

Go club - I get to Drinks, Disturb Chicks, but no Cigarette (something missing lah) Bro - what to do.
How ah...
find some doctor/lawyer to support our cause! hear our plea! or just suck thumb loh. hahaha.

Well now, as smokers we're more sociable thanks to the yellow boxes then. guess thats one benefit from the ban :P we get to bitch about the stupid laws coming out with total strangers.


the ban of.........alcohol...
celebrations can only be enjoyed with... fruitpunch!
Local favourites - less oil and salt or get fined/jailed
our char kuay teow will be.... cai kuay teow
our freedom of choice...
will be no more....

:smt070 :smt033 :smt030 :smt035 :partyman: :smt034 :smt074
RD - yeah I know what U mean...I was out drinkin with Retreo Groove kakis supporting some firnds of ours at their gig at Riverwalk...wee order drinks then spent 90% of the time outside talk kok and smokngwhile our drummer (the only non smoker in the band) jaga our jugs & barang2 in the club...


less people will die of second hand smoke. Then again there's loads of causes of death.

Ah, why is smoking so addictive? Care to explain? I get giddy spells after smoking, so i stopped.