No Smoking rules at Pubs and nite clubs

if really want to savin cats and stuff....then a lot of things need to be spare a thought aint it..........

cigarette been around for many does got bad problem and everythin.......but, u guys know that corn flakes and peanut butter actually could also cause cancer, and these things got more higher probability for us to get cancer.........

im not sayin tat people should smoke......i've stopped smoking for a long time.......coz still the danger is much more than cancer.......but, bannin it in pubs is just amazingly lame........its really2 lame......i mean its pub......if people cant smoke there...where else could they smoke and hang out?? where else can they get the freedom to smoke, hang out, drink while looking for chicks?? wheres the freedom to do tat?? inside a yellow line?? :lol:

its about the freedom of choice baby.....YEAH!!!!!
I've got nothing to say about clubs, but I really think the ban on pubs is uncalled for, as bigbaddaboom said, a pub is where people come out to chill, drink, smoke a few, and talk to friends, it's almost like taking away the chillout element of pubbing. Yeah it maybe harmful for people, but what about pubbing? The whole feel's going to change. I'm not a smoker, but not in favour of changing the whole pubbing experience.
i agree with ahkiatt, it does take away a major part (for some of us) from just sitting around and chill.

not being able to smoke anywhere at your fav supper joint already bad enough. now pubs even.
I am a smoker....outside.... I am a non smoker in the office and and at home.

No doubt smoking is BAD for your health, no benefits whatsoever except to fill the coffers of the tobacco companies and the coffins of the end user.... BUT ..... old habits die hard.... and a traditional old habit is to smoke in pubs / clubs.

I rather over smoke than over drink anytime .....

get some ciggies, get some
the thing that scares me, is that when things don't fit the status quo, they get banned. if smoking is so bad for the individual, why not ban every other thing that is detrimental to our health? ie.

fatty foods
staying out late / not getting enough sleep

bla bla bla

so next time when the earth hits rock bottom and we've stuffed it up big time, we'll find the next range of scare tactics that dissuade us from driving in petrol cars.. or they'll ban petrol, or even cars for that matter! (although there's a whole bunch of economics to this option which i'm not qualified to go into)

think about it. not good? ban! is it really the solution to everything?
to most (i guess, at least to me) smoking is a temporary nirvana from the pressure cooker country we live in. banning smoking is like, taking away a form or stress relief, sure it only lasts a minute or so, at least it makes you feel better.
i agree that smoking is bad for health. but honestly, if the government wants to stop people from smoking, is raising the taxes the best way? so far the solution to everything seems to be to raise the price. and what's up with the ultra-tiny yellow boxes? why must smokers come out much more worse off?
Ok guys.... since the question popped-up about the benefits of smoking, here's what I have to say.

Smoking fights Parkinson - "A new study adds to the previously reported evidence that cigarette smoking protects against Parkinson's disease. Specifically, the new research shows a temporal relationship between smoking and reduced risk of Parkinson's disease. That is, the protective effect wanes after smokers quit."

Smokers have much better chances to survive, heal and do well where restenosis is concern.

In a multivariate analysis, children of mothers who smoked at least 15 cigarettes a day tended to have lower odds for suffering from allergic rhino-conjunctivitis, allergic asthma, atopic eczema and food allergy, compared to children of mothers who had never smoked (ORs 0.6-0.7). Children of fathers who had smoked at least 15 cigarettes a day had a similar tendency (ORs 0.7-0.9)."

Kids of smokers have LOWER asthma! You certainly won't see this one on the health news of BBC or ABC, as they are too busy trying to convince us that smokers "cause" asthma in their kids - and in the kids of others. That, of course, is not true, as smoking does not "cause" asthma.

Well...guys...there are tonnes of benefits from smoking. Tobacco is also part of a healing herb. Am certainly not here to promote smoking. If a smoker can kick the habit, I would say he'll save alot more to spend on other things.

maybe instead of applying the ban on smoking. clubs should install killer ventilation (wind chamber) or free oxygen masks for non smokers.

p.s : I don't smoke, but I start to see you smokers point of view and singing that guns and roses - sweet child of mine .. "where do we go.... where do we go now? ... where do we go.. "
wow...the one from "Tetragrammaton" quite interesting........i thought there r no really concrete evidence of these kind of things.......coz they still say that smoking may cause this and that......not will cause this and that......and, yeah, can u give the link?
whining is always the initial stage.
sucking your thumbs and getting on with life will be 2nd.
by the way, its not only happening to singapore. some other states have already started this since last year.
hmm but on the cigarette packs here, the boxes clearly state smoking causes cancer etc etc..they never used the word 'may'..
Gsonique - Get some soft get some .....

ok... that sounded weird

that tag line under your avatar wub be PERFECT! :lol:
I heard a rumour that te only reason the govt is allowing casino is to make up for the revenue that they will loose when (not if) they ban smoking..

Think about it, Singapore's main resource is people. If people get lung cancer etc from smoking it will have a negative affect on singapre's productivity.
However, licenced gambling in a few controlled areas will bring in revenue without affect mush of the population. and the affects of problem gambling are much less tangable than the affect of smoking