No Smoking rules at Pubs and nite clubs

after the giddy spells, you get used to it. becomes a habit, an nicotine's an addictive substance so..... yea well....

to me its just a really bad habit thats hard to kick.

and i went to the pub today, felt weird not smoking inside, had to go outside with my glass of drink to smoke.
I feel sorry for you guys. But i'm glad too that no one smokes now at jazz@southbridge. it used to make it difficult for me to enjoy myself there for more than an hour or so when the smoke builds up. when i performed too at venues where smoking was allowed before, i experienced major throat irritations when there were large concentrations of smokers at the venue.

Coming from a non smoking family, it's difficult for me to accept that it's a lifestyle thing. But i know what it's like to be addicted to something, and it's quite a pain when you can't have it. 2 weeks of confinement and no guitar nearly drove me insane, so i imagine the physical addiction to nicotine must feel much worse.
just a joke to share

i was at timbre on friday night watching timmy play..

so me and my gf actually wanted to sit at the non smoking area but in the end got to sit at the highest bar counter thing... which was actually smoking area...

funny thing was that we could hardly smell smoke cause all the fans were blowing the smoke to the non smoking area.. hahah

left the place without any smell of smoke at all.... no offence to smokers but its just that my mama always scold me when i smell like smoke when i come home... fyi my dad smokes lah.. peace.. haha
The law only applies to A/Con Enclosed Area I think - so open-Area not really affected at all.........but I like those Enclosed Area, Dark dark one somemore with plenty of chicks there .... Hehehehe :lol: