No Smoking rules at Pubs and nite clubs

Just wonder how the impact would be with this new ruling coming on this July.

First of all, I think it'll affect the business for a start. But wonder if it's gonna be a long run or eventually people will come to accept the changes.

Your views please.

why make it so difficult for smokers....


Lick it baby, lick it good!
This certainly won't affect me at all. I "smoke" by chewing the tobacco. So, no one can complaint about it. Try it!! Ha ha ha!!
Ankh - glad to know it wont affect U and yr smoking chewing tobacco

thanks for thinking about the rest of us smokers though... I doubt many of us would wanna CHEW the stuff, U now wat I mean? :x

its all in the bottomline
the only thing that matters is whether it will affect the number of chicks who visit these places :p
ear candling...but lit candles have open flames?


all in the bottomline
Read it in the papers somewhere, apparently there's increse in business after the ban. But this is in Europe i think. Well, at least we will not stink afer pubbing/disco eh 8)
It's better for the businesses.

For sure, there will be more girls going out. Which translate to more guys going out.

But you'd see more clubs closing this period of time, struggling to adjust to this changing demand of the market.
No offense to all smokers, I used to go to pubs to watch live bands performing. The smoke that filled the air can certainly choke anyone, especially if the live music can last until 3.00am. It makes breathing difficult...I mean really. As a non smoker, I think the government made a good move to ban smoking in pubs....
It is a good measure to ban smoking at nightspots. If we can also ban smoking at homes,and at all makan places will be perfect. Let's make smoking a thing of the past as a progressive nation breathing in fresh air.

wont EVER happen - do U know how much $$$ in tobacco taxes alone???

and's all in the bottomline!
wah... ankh... Chew tobacco ah.. like those old auntie i see at teevee chew tobacco their teeth very black and spit black also....

ankh = CHEWBACCO... not chewbacca or whatever his name's spelt...


ban smoking totally = GOVT LOOOSEE money..

Ban smoking at pubs = GOVT DON'T LOOSEEEE MONEY!!...

so must see the weightage... people would still buy ciggarettes even though they can't smoke at pubs.
As a (heavy) smoker, I somehow welcome this new ruling. Chance to cut down smoking, and also creates a healthier working environment for me.
the idea is not to get rid of smokers. the idea is to seperate smokers from non smokers by creating designated smoking and non-smoking areas. this way to each his own

but judging by the size of the tiny yellowboxes... i'm not so sure

its just like ERP. used to be the restricted zones, to curb traffic in the CBD. now it is upgraded/distorted and is called ERP. but can anyone tell me, how am i contributing to heavy traffic in the CBD if i drive my car from tampines to jurong on the ECP/AYE or PIE? and why am i still charged ERP for making this journey?

the moral of the story is, the MAN does what he wants, the people suck thumb. no point complaining