madmonkeykungfu said:
From what I know during my NSF days, its hard to enter MDC as an NSF if you are combat fit. That was what I was told last time. Apart from the Pes C and below unfit status, not being homophobic helps too I guess.
Oooo.... okay okay, let me set this RIGHT.
1. MDC wants talent, if you can sing/dance/play guitar/play er hu/MC/act so on so forth. Also, if you are a good technician, YES, there is a need for techs.
2. MDC will only accept you IF
a) You fit the bill, pass the auditions AND
b) There is a vacency
a) You're just damn good
3. In order to get the
best chance to get to MDC, apply for auditions
DURING your BMT phase. Yes, even if you are combat fit, go for it. The chance is there, its not impossible.
A short story, I have friends in MDC who are combat fit; one guy was from a Guards Unit, yes, as a Guard, and he spent his last 4 months before ORD in MDC playing Violin and performing.
However, if you get to go be an Officer, I suggest you think twice abt abandoning that and going for MDC.

Being an Officer has more benefits IMO, esp in the long run.
4. Say you were late, never apply during BMT like me. Still, there is a chance to enter, simply go for an audition. If you pass AND there is a vacency, MDC will try to rope you in. Now your OC/CO/HOD will come into play on whether to authorise the transfer or not. My boss was graceful enough to allow me to be transferred.
5. About Homophobic-ness and what not.
If you are, there is absolutely NO ISSUE whatsoever. Just don't talk to them.
If you are okay with them, then well, just talk to them.
No biggie.
I didn't consider that when I went to MDC, i just wanted to play guitar. Hell, I didn't even consider the distance from Tampines (my home) to Yishun!
There are straight people in MDC. I don't get the blatant assumptions and generalisations.
If you want to play guitar the whole day long, get to perform, get to jam with great musicians, appreciate the art of shredding paganini on an Er Hu, or violin, GO FOR IT.