MDC? music and dance company


New member
hi, im curious, how do one get to go in MDC, wad kind of stuffs they are looking at? is it those sightreading dao gey stuffs? or u must be damn good in technique or wad actualli they are looking for?
or anyone of u are or were a member of MDC can give mi some advice?

MDC - music and drama company

you got to go for an audition, if you willing to sign on,
anytime they take you in.

audition, they'll ask you to sight read some of the reportoire;
genre mainly big band and jazz music. You must read music
, play well and able to play jazz.

if you want to serve only 2.5 years, you must be a 'lobo' then
can do so; otherwise if you combat fit, then pretty hard to get in
unless you sign on.
bongman got most of it right...

Except NS is now 2 yrs lah. :) Yes, if you are combat fit, its harder to get in BUT not an issue IF... you make it clear during your BMT that you have talent and you want to go to MDC. Then you'll go for audition and IF you pass... you have to hope MDC has the vacency for that post... no need for guitarist when they already have 2 guitarists there.

If you are combat fit, posted to unit, you can forget it unless you are really very talented and your CO is a nice man.
MDC you must be pes C at least.

went for auditions after my bmt. the charts they test you on are pretty basic.. just chords if im not mistaken... i couldnt sight read ( still cant )

most impt is whether you are combat fit or not or gay~ :P
ChanMin, its not true that you must be PES C.

Its just harder to get in if you are combat fit.. but if MDC needs a musician now and you fit the shoes, they will try very hard to get you in.

hehe.. the auditions are not fixed one... sometimes you get it easy. :)
well maybe, during my time I was asked to go for second audition,
but didn't because of all the saying that I must sign on to join.

missed that and the person who audited me is a current well known
HK/TW music arranger.
for nsf, all the ah kuas and weaklings are in there... i wouldn't feel proud and go bragging abt it if i'm from MDC, like some who enjoy doing tt here. it doesn't in any way make u a better musician than others who need to carry rifle out there.
stillwater said:
for nsf, all the ah kuas and weaklings are in there... i wouldn't feel proud and go bragging abt it if i'm from MDC, like some who enjoy doing tt here. it doesn't in any way make u a better musician than others who need to carry rifle out there.

So since I was in MDC, I'm either gay or weak?

I fail to see your point here and your comment is quite offending.

It sure doesn't make you a better musician per se but if you can get in, thats great! You get to practice your art daily and that will make you a better player than your buddy who spends his whole week in camp running around. I'm glad I got into MDC because it opened my eyes to different music styles and to approach music from a different perspective, plus I get to meet people who are renowned musicians and learn from them. And yeah, I get to play everyday.

And btw, who are these ppl who "brag" abt being in MDC?
teraslasch said:
I hope to enter MDC haha, are there positions for audio engineers?.. or must you sign on then can go in?..

Audio Engineers? Hmmm... as in producing music, mixing stuff and what not in a studio? There's currently 1 regular there... so yeap, I think, THINK, there's no chance unless you sign on.

For Soundmans, yeap, I guess so.
My guitar teacher who was in MDC last time said that if you want to be a guitar player there, ability to sight-read will also be a definite plus. (We all know most guitarists don't sight read, right ;) ) It'll give you an edge.

Thats a BIG edge if (as a guitarist) you can sightread. In our case (guitarists), technical prowress is secondary to sightreading skills...