does the local audience feel the same way about local music?
Feel what way?
I don't know lah. Seems that we are a fickle lot.
That's the reality of music anyway.
People are so weaned to whole packages - aurally, visually, aesthetically, intellectually. It's always gotta be the whole damn show man.
Record companies here I don't think want to spend that much on a local talent anyway, and we all know how marketing and advertising is very important. And that cost money.
It doesn't help that music is subjective too, as with lots of other things in life. You can't please just about anybody.
And the reality about places like Singapore also is that, everything must lead to money. You are selling a product anyway. You need money to constantly fund your music projects anyway. You need to make it consistently interesting, you need to be constantly in the audience and listeners' views. And all these cost money.
No doubt, there are real marketable talents in Singapore and some of them have proven themselves but hey, people need to see something new all the time.
And it's not like we have events like Woodstock or 'live' events that are dedicated solely to local music, that are organised that it reaches out to everybody.
Well, if music is celebrated (or worshipped) like money in Singapore, things around here would be so different eh?
But I guess we have to be grateful that some of the better ones like By Definition, has come out and shown themselves. I don't know how they fare with their own songs lah but they sure can rock the stage. I can see the passion and the potential in these guys man. If they are marketed extensively, starting with MTV Asia - something big can come out of all this.
Do forgive me for my ranting.