Icelandic & Singapore music scenes - Why They Can and We Can't

IMHO, one of the most damning disease in Singapore made music is this theory to "support local". This ideology actually kills talent faster than we can create them. All it does is to breed mediocrity that will eventually flow in. But worse, it will serve to confuse the general public into knowing what is really good, ok or poor.

I completely agree.

Wanna support local, you say? Buy every damn cd that ever comes out from our shores, no matter what genre, language, style, whether you like it or not. No use saying you support local if you decided to give Taufik Batista's album a miss because you think it's "uncool" to purchase something so with the Mediacorp tag.

Otherwise, buy what you think is good, and what you like. That way, you are being honest to yourself, to the bands and to the scene itself.
Otherwise, buy what you think is good, and what you like. That way, you are being honest to yourself, to the bands and to the scene itself.

That's what I do. GSE and Electrico are living the high life partly because of me :mrgreen:
Blah blah blah blah...

All this is just talk! Go out and do something and live your life at 100% lifeforce!!! >>>>

And a blah blah blah to you too dude!

Mr AY is a well-known local band producer and record label "whatever, whenever wereever" music guy. But often, when we have an idea-generation/sharing occasion like this, we can always count on his "blah, blah , blah input". Mr AY is one of Singapore's better-known record label owners. Please do not be confused with his occasioned and calcualted inputs within these type of threads.

Mr AY probaby knows it all, inside, out, within, coming in/out or just perpetually flowing. Mr AY is probably the man that knows more than he shares with us.

Dear Sir, Mr AY, Mr local music, do you have anything of substance to share besides lifeforce enhancement tips - almost always in triplets? We all humble at his presence and his astute statements and experience. He, the man, He is champion of local music. He is our "blah, blah, blah" man.

Without him, we would be nothing but "b, bl, bla"!
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Ah haha RoRK. As the TS, I did find that AY comment a gross discourtesy to contributors here, but hell, some of us are no longer snot-nosed kids that's going to be give it more than a passing glance. Life's way more interesting.

Anyway on topic, your comment "There is nothing wrong with being in a band that is average. Music brings us a lot of satisfaction" is worth a response. I agree with this. Too many of us as evidenced and elsewhere in soft seems too fixated by this nebulous notion of "making it".

It's good to have a dream (or a vision/goal), and while we are it, why not a BIG dream. We ought to let that dream motivate us in our learning, our practicing, jamming, songwriting and teaching. But we should not let that dream hinder us as in, "Whoa, there's no way this dream/goal can happen in Singapore coz there's no support/no funds/no producers/no market/wrong skin colour/whatever".

If the dream/goal is Step 10, and we are at Step 1 or 2 or 3, then Step 10 is the North Star we steer towards. Even if we don't reach Step 10, it's OK.

And that's really my point in this comparison with Iceland - to say that we have a lot of good things going for us here. Why let ourselves be hindered?
heh rork, bro AY has his reason to blah blah blah, coz he had actually done something and people can see, those who knows something, not those who always seem to know a lot, but in actual fact, do nothing much, other than talk... And that include me..

you me and some others are the same, equally worst, not equally good or better.

other than ay with the blah blah blah, do you see any others who you know, who happen to know of something, even bother to chip in??

heh, we are screwd and we talk like real when all we can do, is talk
let me contribute too....

you guys gotta

...//>>>live you r life>>>
//@t 100% lifefo rce!!! >>>>

all teh talkz on teh interwebs is onry talkz. Deepz n introspectivez but is onry 0 1 0 11 0 11 0 11111 0101 on teh interwebz. And yes... itz teh funktionz of meaninzful threadz on teh forumz, gootch threadz that will layz teh path fer our phuture generationz but I betcha mah arze that in 3 weekz time, someone willz start a similar threadz againz.

Thats why even though I hate bro bro aging youth bro bro guts but i is still RESTEPHER him nong nong cos he is a do'er! Still luvinz you bro bro aging youth bro!
BUT we are now world-class exporters of maths assessment and textbooks!!!! we shall rule the world w our MOR!!!! and from far they shall all flock to our blessed Albion shores to learn from us the great wayz to run manage and engineer societies...............

yes!!! also live 100% lifeforce at 1000kmh..............think ELITE think kVlt think tr00...............and ye shall indeed be and become...........
those who can't do, talk
those who can't talk, talk cock!

100% LiFeForCe cr3w represetnz
hehe! RoRK oso gotch sayang bro AY lah. But bro AY gotch no sayang when he say lidat leh. bro AY is our knight in not-so shining armoury and whiter than white unicorn. RoRK oso gotch do something leh and betsy oso gotch do something leh. Just because we donch have a band of bands under our boxers donch mean we small or donch mean we gotch do nothing what.

Like we come together to rock the talk oso gotch do something what. Just because we come here to rock it out donch mean we donch or neber do anything before or after tommorow or before yesterday.

Betsy gotch support good bands what. RoRK gotch try to write songs what - even gotch make it to USA number #1 podcast one leh. And when they say RoRK from Singapore, hehe, oso gotch say Malaysia lah, for what I oso donch know, but RoRK gotch proud leh when they say RoRK from Singapore. RoRK gotch do something lah bros. Maybe you donch like or you donch care but donch say RoRK neber do anything leh.

Aiyah, evreybody by coming to Soft oso gotch contribute lah. If we count our saltiness to see how much we contribute than I oso will say, "blah, blah, blah". Because lidat gotch the ultimate talk rots that end in disarray and ego trips for a few and discontent for many.

We talk here to share ideas and to speak our minds is ok what. Even bro AY share his thoughts but kinda sad because actuarry he gotch a lot of solid rods to talk about and to share but he donch want leh.

Eh, bro AY, RoRK gotch sayang you lah bro.
We can't always complain about the radio. Afterall, the radio plays what they perceive to be the latest hit. We're all different musicians and we have different perspectives on what good music is.
that's on the assumption that the radio stations play songs only because they think it is good. there are so many other factors that determine a playlist selection.

the premise is that radio stations do things which benefit the listener, when in reality they do things that benefit themselves. and when these 2 things don't coincide, you have a conflict of interests.

Besides, like I'd already pointed out, no matter how much we share, how much we contribute, how much we complain, things just don't move.

Which is exactly my point viz. anybody anywhere on this planet can complain and list down a bunch of things why thing are not happening for them, and of course nothing will happen for them. Others will say, "Fine, but let me do it anyway, and please myself if no-one else". Guess who will succeed?
nobody cares because nothing changes.

or is it nothing changes because nobody cares?

both show a correlation. but only 1 statement shows causality

Blah blah blah blah...

All this is just talk! Go out and do something and live your life at 100% lifeforce!!! >>>>
forum dun talk then do what? outside when we are outside then say outside lah<<<not here>>>but where////:confused::confused:
It's good to talk. Many many talk, some people wanna do, in the end got a few who got do.

If Nobody talk, then nobody do.
actually in SG the real rockstars are bloggers... xiaxue can have a spread in maxim...

Anyway on topic, your comment "There is nothing wrong with being in a band that is average. Music brings us a lot of satisfaction" is worth a response. I agree with this. Too many of us as evidenced and elsewhere in soft seems too fixated by this nebulous notion of "making it".

Dear betsy, RoRK oso gotch that kinda of destructive thoughts before - like shyte horgigiber band leh. Sometimes still have thoughts like that.

But after awhile, hanging out here at Soft, RoRK realised that heh!. I mean HEH!!! RoRK! yes you! If music gets you satisfied then it also does the same to everyone who plays music what. Why put some down when in fact they could be the ones getting the most satisfaction.

So RoRK thought. And thought. And realised that there are different groups of musicians - but all enjoy playing, covers or originals or interpretations. Some play to make it big. Some play to make it to Baybeats. Some play to have an album. Some play just to play.

But all play because they love it. And that's the beauty of it all.

Music takes us to places, in mind, in spirit. Music brings a sort of satisfaction that nothing compares with. Everyone should be entitled to its rewards, whether as a listener or as a player.

But if the opportunity arises where constructive criticism is alowed or even asked for, then that's a good time for RoRK to share, for better or for worse - right or wrong, it is up to the listener to take what is written and to take to where they want to go with it.

But just as important is to support the good stuff because the good stuff will lift us up and out and hopefully start something beautiful and lasting.
hehe, threadstarter lai lai lai, where is you are!

Organising group hugz lah. Not enough love for a moment there mah.
Why, what you want?

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