Icelandic & Singapore music scenes - Why They Can and We Can't

quote: * Every year, it is a real challenge for Miss Singapore/Universe to put on her 'national' costume

this is so true and funny at the same time! Coming from da boss, i can feel the impact! Power dah!
James, agreed.

I think people who came up with reggae (and other distinct genres) put things together (haha, let's not get technical here) because it sounded good to them and satisfied some innate need for music. They didn't do some SWOT analysis, listed down the pros and cons, whys and wherefores, and then asked whether it would sell internationally. And only then made music. The music came first.

Identity - isn't this an issue that all bands/singers faces, no matter where they come from. In fact, I would say if you were a band in US or UK, straightaway you have a much harder time because there are umpteenth other bands just like you. For us, the fact that we are not from the US/UK marks us as different. Whoa let's listen to this heavy-metal-shoegazing band from Singapore, would you believe it? Gotta see what that's about.

A matter of perspective.
For as long as I can remember the ONLY people who ask for 'Singapore music' are those that don't write music - neither for a living nor even for fun. They just play covers and tweak knobs and dabble in something original but definitely not 'Singapore music'.

Ang mohs are not ang mohs! There are Scandinavians, and even then they are broken up into different ethnicities and nationalities. The irish donch like the English and the English donch like the Irish. New Zealanders and Aussies despise each other more than anything else, inlucding their mother-in-laws. The Aussies also despise the English. The Americans despise the Brits and the Brits despise the Americans. Aussies and Americans get along quite ok.

The Irish look down on the Scots and the Welsh - vice versa.

The list goes on and on and on.

Just make good music lah. It doesn't matter what it is - just make it good. 10-12 songs, good songs that donch sound like each other. Write lyrics that are really cool and not just rhyme for the sake of rhyming.

95% of the talent here SUCK! Live with it.

95% of the talent everywhere else ALSO SUCK! Live with it.

Has there ever been a Singapore band where you've told yourself - "heck bugger, if these fellows were ang mohs and in the US, they sure make it one!" Ever?

Let me know. In fact, let everyone know. Hasn't happened. There are a couple of near misses, IMHO. But misses are still misses.
No worries bro pathe... . I let you win by default. RoRK gotch more interest in strings, fingers, feel and storytelling than twiddling with knobs.
"Every year, it is a real challenge for Miss Singapore/Universe to put on her 'national' costume"........every year its a real challenge for me to navigate orchard road cos the landscape changed much.
Has there ever been a Singapore band where you've told yourself - "heck bugger, if these fellows were ang mohs and in the US, they sure make it one!" Ever?

OK, I'll bite. The exact scenario has not happened to me, BUT I've heard good bands in Singapore and go, "Freaking hell, their material is just as good, and some songs are even better than Travis/Keane/Coldplay/whatever".

But then again, I'm fairly sure there are also US/UK/Icelandic bands who may have better stuff than Travis/Keane/Coldplay/whatever. They too have their own set of issues to contend with.

What's that cartoon character with a perpetual storm cloud hovering above him/her? We seem to think we are like that.
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Actually I realized no matter how much we argue and debate, things won't change overnight. In fact, I doubt there will be any changes within the next 2-3 years.
bro emph..., I don't see it as an argument or a debate, although it may look like it. I see it as a sharing of ideas, thoughts, suggestions etc etc etc. It's not an exercise in right or wrong, as in a debate but just putting out info - as much as possible so that evreyone can take something away from the sharing.

Ahh, just wanted to saying that bands SUCK is harsh. But in the context, it was more of bands that "can't make it" - perhaps this is more appropriate. And it's ok if they can't or don't want to make it. As long as it's music to them, then so be it. And rightly so.

but some times they really suck lah. and if people keep giving them chance sometimes they never learn
Just to reiterate - the 'making it' question has been brought up really too many times, and always, invariably, the question of how do you know when you've made it always remains unanswered.

As per the topic, it's about iceland & singapore, i.e. it's about multi platinum bjork vs indie analog girl, it's about nationalistic naturists sigur ros vs homegrown observatory. Immediately i can tell you, everyone on that list don't think they've totally made it. Each have their own definition of success, but in the eyes of the public, guess who sells more, who seems to have made it more?

Without marketing, what are the chances that anyone, of significance in world music, is going to hear your music? You're in Singapore dude.

Engrish music here doesn't get the moolahs to push through. Even then, me thinks our bands aren't good enough. BUTTTTTTT there is talent that can make it BUTTTTTTTTTTT they are split up amongst different bands.

I do appreciate your concerns but just like looks, one's skin colour is bollocks when it comes to factoring in whether one can make it or not in the music industry.

Precisely, the marketing of a band is entirely about getting the largest base of people to be able to relate to you and that translates into sales, and tickets. In the geopolitical musical landscape that iceland partakes in, make a guess where asian folks fit in.

Hence, the most successful of our musical exports are never in the western hemisphere. But even then this hegemony of western culture is so widespread, that even in the east, musical expression in the popular market is couched entirely in western trappings. You'll never hear gamelan dangdut being number one in china.

how about this one for the singapore charts?

btw those guys supposedly made it in their province. It's all about how their music speaks to the audience.

So back to iceland & spore, bjork & sigur ros. I think when someone asks why iceland has made it, they're actually asking why no one in singapore has the same cachet, ie. coolness, as bjork, sells as many albums as she does, or why no one in spore has a string quartet like sigur ros has, or plays large shows like they do, or are able to make up their own gobbledigook.

The answer is obvious. We spores don't have as much cultural commonality as icelanders when it's viewed in the context of the western market.

The funny thing with jamaica, is that they have been in the doldrums for years. After bob marley and hash, they've basically stoned themselves out of any other musical output. The only saving grace is the influence of dub/reggae in the uk scene with dubstep, grime and mc lyrical flows.

The other bit about making it, is the making of a truly defining moment in musical history. Grunge, beatles, elvis, nirvana, the clash, blur vs oasis, 50cent etc. All of which are strung along the terms of the western media. How much of it is manufactured, and how much is the real deal? I'll bet there are some people in congo who wouldn't care who's number one on the pop charts. But in terms of mtv/nme/rolling stone style of defining moment, will an asian band ever be included?

And there's also that little chestnut:

Snuffle my man, who asked you to go and write songs about organising riots in Orchard Road

There are many ways to describe skinning a cat, but spore kids, mostly, there's only one way, and the approved dethklok method.

heh, what if everybody wanna be bono and nobody wanna rock and roll, from the heart and thrusting energy from the waist down

There is nothing wrong with wanting to rock with the clock out, but compare chou pi jiang with something like this:

Who's going to come across better in the west?

In the end, noone should sweat about making it, unless you're in the chinese or malay music industry, which of course those goddamn icelanders will never crack.
Good post bro ac!

IMHO, one of the most damning disease in Singapore made music is this theory to "support local". This ideology actually kills talent faster than we can create them. All it does is to breed mediocrity that will eventually flow in. But worse, it will serve to confuse the general public into knowing what is really good, ok or poor.

I actually gave up music for a long period, only doing it for money purposes for a shirt while during this period. When I read about this band is great and this and that but when I actually hear their stuff, it is very ordinary stuff. It;s like the story of the boy that cried wolf. After a while nobody believes what anyone says about local music anymore.

Why should they since everyone is great. Right!

And we need the general public's involvement for any band to make it, here. If bands donch make it here then it's going to be more difficult to make it elsewhere. Whatever money bands earn here can and most definitely will be used to finance purchases on equipment and hopefully head overseas for gigs.

Folks have to be more discerning.

There is nothing wrong with being in a band that is average. Music brings us a lot of satisfaction. I dare say that a newbie guitarist perhaps gets more satisfaction from playing in a gig than a seasoned guitarist at his or her 50th gig. And even if there is a sucky band, who are we to tell them not to play anymore when they are probably having the time of their lives. And this to me is the most important thing at the end of the day. Everyone enjoying themselves with music.

Can make it or cannot make it both oso ok lah. More important is to support the good ones and not just support blindly.
so basically there is nothing wrong with the musicians lah

it's just the screwed up market that we have in sg. in that case i support you 95% 8)

but if 'making it' becomes like those nonsensical channel u competitions... also no point lah huh

at the end of the day, we have 4 million people in our country, and a good 75% can't appreciate good music/bad taste in music. listen to local radio... it's not a matter of the amount of local music they play... it's just a matter of the amount of BAD music they play
it's not a matter of the amount of local music they play... it's just a matter of the amount of BAD music they play

We can't always complain about the radio. Afterall, the radio plays what they perceive to be the latest hit. We're all different musicians and we have different perspectives on what good music is.

Besides, like I'd already pointed out, no matter how much we share, how much we contribute, how much we complain, things just don't move.

I can bet with you that three years ago, SOFTies were also talking about the same topic.
Besides, like I'd already pointed out, no matter how much we share, how much we contribute, how much we complain, things just don't move.

Which is exactly my point viz. anybody anywhere on this planet can complain and list down a bunch of things why thing are not happening for them, and of course nothing will happen for them. Others will say, "Fine, but let me do it anyway, and please myself if no-one else". Guess who will succeed?

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