Icelandic & Singapore music scenes - Why They Can and We Can't

man they really put a spin on that one! the swedish indie pop scene is pretty meh for me. but their electronic/disco stuff is great.

in 10 years, i hope we too can have music ministers..

Yes, We Can!
It's interesting that Sweden's Ministry of Culture actually cares about their musical exports.. even channeling funds to recording and tours... to the point of having an independent organisation (Export Music Sweden) that evangelises Swedish pop & rock abroad... in turn generating an economy from record sales, tourism dollars, and a greater awareness of Swedish Culture.

Our own NAC... I've asked them before and unless the band is going to a major major festival (like SXSW)... absolutely zero % chance of funding for recording or regional tours. (I may be wrong and may have overlooked that section on NAC's very confusing and convoluted website.. someone enlighten me)

and even then.. you'll probably have to fly the "Uniquely Singapore" flag.. *shudder*

And you can only submit the receipts to claim for the expenditure.

I heard someone found a loophole in that system, securing a decent amount of dough for one of our top bands. Not too sure what that is at the moment. We can discuss this over the drunken debauchery in KL. Hurhurhur...
It interesting to see how much people talk about such topics, i think before we can even bring in NAC and other organisations, lets just ask ourselves how much we want Singapore music to actually prosper or watever the term u guys wan to call it.

The moment we start playing in a band or play an instrument, lets ask ourselves wat do we want to do with our bands, groups or ourselves?

1) write originals songs and play to as many places and people as possible and record even no one sponsors u guys
2) enjoy my 15 mins of Fame in the scene being cool and letting ppl know u can play that certain song in ur band and disband once u enter NS
3) Be the most technical musician available on earth so that everyone in SOFT bows to u and u have done wat no human has done and u need nt release anything cos you r a local hero
4) Learn every cover song available on earth and hope your dream can be fufilled by playing in pubs every wed, fri and sat so that everyone in forums can say how good u r (personally i think this is the saddest of them all, and what breaks my Softie heart is people would rather support them than a band that plays original music)

Its just how much u want to do with ur music and how far u would wanna go, if you cant find a major label or whatever groups to sponsor u, try other ways, most bands work save and pay for their recording which i truly respect, rather than telling everyone i can play like Steve Vai or even better but i dont wanna record cos i have no money but on weekends i be buying fancy clothes and getting the coolest tattoos u can ever think of.

The saddest thing that can ever happen is people saying no one wants to help Singapore bands and music when we ourselves are more interested in posting our latest cover, i am sure most of you notice if not have a look most of the popular threads are actually people covering watever song and when originals are showcased, suddenly every speaker and headphones is not working (just an example)

I feel that there are much more ways to get urself be heard, post ur music , get contacts, be thick skin, and accept THE TRUTH if u suck and dont stop trying, in the first place why do we play msuic for? For glam? Or for that 15 mins of fame so when u have that boring desk job u can boast to ur frens that u were once a band member and u wore the coolest clothes?

So lets not comparekeep on working on it so thanks for listening in the end nothing will change and to bands for keep on trying whetehr u r young or old, heres a big yeah to you

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