HOw much is ur pedal board setup?

hehe, snuff, we gotta be under constant guilt so that can get used to it. Its hard not to be guilty, so might as well get used to it
after my pedalboard reformasi my bank account has reached dangerously low levels. now theres alot of space on it awaiting the new arrival. will post pics on the bass effects lineup thread when its in!
after my pedalboard reformasi my bank account has reached dangerously low levels. now theres alot of space on it awaiting the new arrival. will post pics on the bass effects lineup thread when its in!

Can't wait to see ur board, bro asap man.
i might just go fro a humble board with another oct (Ebs Oct), Sam programable Di(maybe), Boss dynamic wah perhpas, and a distortion (still dun know which is good.... many rec t-rex bassjuice) and wah pedal(optional) and a $50 humble pedal board with ispot daisy or mxr power supply..... lol.... think ard 1k+++ also

Dun seem humble huh? lol
pedal train 2 - 180 bucks
Limited edition crybabypink wah - 190 bucks
Marshall guv'nor - 100 bucks
Marshall Jackhammer - 100 bucks
EHX Big muff - 150 bucks
Boss ac 2 - 170 bucks
EHX Holy grail - 200 bucks

total = 1090 bucks haha , not too bad , i've seen worst
hi there, i'm a newbie here

i have a 40+ pedal, that cost me almost 4k sgd

i'm using analysis plus cable that cost me 400 sgd
hi there, i'm a newbie here

i have a 40+ pedal, that cost me almost 4k sgd

i'm using analysis plus cable that cost me 400 sgd

Newbie in soft forum but with 2 killer bass. Especially the Fodera Imperial 5 ST.....
U must be some rich Prince in Indonesia. Or Datuk?
i will post the picture asap

i'm not a prince or datuk
i'm just a regular guy
i will post the picture asap

i'm not a prince or datuk
i'm just a regular guy

cool man! looking forward to seeing them! :)

i'm also a regular guy but can't afford $4k+ of pedals and expensive basses :( any tips how to do it? I really want to own a expensive bass myself :)
cool man! looking forward to seeing them! :)

i'm also a regular guy but can't afford $4k+ of pedals and expensive basses :( any tips how to do it? I really want to own a expensive bass myself :)

the most important is confidence that u can achieve your goal
and than find a realistic way to do it.....

i'm 24 years old, still studying in Indonesia Musicians Institute
i bought all that stuff with my own money.....
i used to think that it's impossible for me to buy all that fancy stuff, but u know what? nothing is impossible.....
here is my gear

analysis plus fat oval, pro oval yellow, pro oval studio

snarling dogs bootzilla, electro harmonix doctor Q (original 1979), aphex punch factory, aphex bass exciter, line6 FM-4, dan armstrong yellow humper, rocktron hush pedal (1st edition), yamaha magicstomp EB, akai deep impact

first row (L to R) :
-Boss GE-7B, bass eq, MIJ
-Boss PQ-3B, parametric bass eq, MIT
-Boss CE-2B, bass chorus, MIJ
-Boss LM-2B, bass limiter, MIT
-Boss BF-2B, bass flanger, MIJ

second row:
-Boss GEB-7, bass EQ, MIT
-Boss ODB-3, bass overdrive, MIT
-Boss CEB-3, bass chorus, MIT
-Boss SYB-5, bass synth, MIT
-Boss LMB-3, bass limiter enhancer, MIT

third row:
-Boss NF-1, noise gate, MIJ
-Boss NS-2, noise supressor, MIJ
-Boss PW-2, power driver, MIT
-Boss AW-3, dynamic wah, MIT
-Boss PN-2, tremolo/pan, MIT

first row:
-guyatone B-I, bass eq, MIJ
-guyatone B-II, bass exciter/limiter, MIJ
-guyatone B-III, bass distortion, MIJ
-guyatone B-IV, bass chorus/flanger, MIJ
-ibanez AFL, auto filter, MIJ

second row:
-sadowsky bass preamp, MIA
-Boss GE-10, graphic EQ, MIJ

third row:
-chunk systems agent funk
-chunk systems brown dog
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