HOw much is ur pedal board setup?

heath: hows the bootzilla working for you? i want to get one but i heard they spoil really easily. how long have u had yours?
Heath, any considerable difference comparing the Analysis cable to say a Canare or Evidence Audio cable?

i never use evidence audio cable,
but i must say, comparing to canare, its just like heaven n earth

one thing about analysis plus is its transparency of signal, it's awesome.....
when u use canare, u feel just fine, but once u try analysis plus, u realise that canare sounds awful . . . . .

analysis plus cable is amazing, u guys must try it
heath: hows the bootzilla working for you? i want to get one but i heard they spoil really easily. how long have u had yours?

hi there.....

my bootzilla is working just fine for me, i've been using it for almost 2 years now, and it still work great

it depends of how you handle your gear
so.... take care of your gear.....

thanx guys for the comment
ur welcome

before analysis, i use canare GS-6

btw, what are your pedal gear?

My small PT-JR board's posted on this thread and the Bass Pedalboard thread. I think I'll try to take a pic of the entire collection this weekend...Especially since I'm in the midst of selling quite a few pedals...
i dont think we should let this thread become a clone of the bass effects thread o.O

dollars and cents please (and also GAS)