Gear News 2006

bluepowder said: your opinion...does the dime actually do pantera :lol:

ps. is it TB

to put it simply, that pedal does give off a DIME-like distortion but for a more convincing take, invest in a KRANK amp. you do not need that pedal to induce a DIME-type drive but owning one reduces the guess work.
hmm interesting..i guess i gotta try it out....owning a far away :lol:

I am more the kinda guy who would probably buy a hot rod deville...i play rock and blues and fusion for most part....metal is more of a...hobby :lol:

how would it do running into a clean amp....would i be better off with a metalzone?
new @ swee lee:

Digitech Brian May Red Special
List: TBA


back in stock:

Ibanez RG1527 (List: $1,700)
ah.. the tube zone looks truely tempting. im able to get decent high gain tones out of my setup with a boost from the bixonic expandora but i still am unable to obtain the modern cutting edge vibe from it. it would be great if the tube zone is able to provide that option
heh heh... it would be ideal if i could try it with my setup to make an unbiased judgment but in reality, i dont think this would be possible.

will be awaiting your review to see if it fits the requirements im looking for :idea:
PinkSpId3r said:
Lol.was just wondering how does it compare to the other similar pedals out there.

It's rather hard to answer your question. What similar pedals are you comparing the TZ to?

I've tried a few other pedals, including the Ubermetal, MT-2, DS-1, TS, OCD etc etc. And my pick amongst the bunch is the TZ.

The TZ can cover a lot of ground. It's versatility and tweakability is unparalleled. I can do low-gain to metal and everything in between. It has a tone that is pleasing to my humble ears. :)

For more infomation about it's specifications, clips and stuff, do check out
Michael provides quite a comprehensive guide to the TZ of which you can definitely benefit from.

My TZ is definitely a keeper. :wink:
Phil said:
The TZ can cover a lot of ground. It's versatility and tweakability is unparalleled. I can do low-gain to metal and everything in between. It has a tone that is pleasing to my humble ears. :)

i will concur the TZ's amazing versatility. to me, there's no other pedal to compare it to. the other drive/ distortion units in the market weren't conceived to be like the TZ. the pedal is true to its name- tube tone at your disposal.

here's a link to the TZ review:
In response to blue's asking about the Pantera tone. I have both the MI Audio Tube Zone and the Krank Distortus Maximus pedals.

Short of buying a Krank amp, the Distortus Maximus is an evil pedal. High gain, modern gain voicing and extremely tight. Perfect for modern metal, think damageplan to trivium sounds. However, i must say there are 2 things to note. It's a 1-trick pony, you probably won't use it for anything else 'cept high-gain applications. Secondly, you have to play it pretty loud to appreciate it. For bedroom use, it's not ideal but usable. All in all, it is one serious distortion pedal.

As for the MI Audio Tube Zone, i guess sub has said what needs to be said. It's good but comparing that to the Krank, the only glaring difference is the TZ is not as tight even with the character knob all the way anti-clockwise. But a T.screamer in front of it solves the problem. Other than that i would say the TZ is much more versatile in all ways.

I play solely metal and this may be my biased take on the above 2 pedals, but i have gone through many high gain units to provide at least the above 2cents.
new @ swee lee:

Epiphone LP Jr Special
List: $TBA


Epiphone LP Ultra (recommended)
List: $875


one of the better Epis i've come across this year.
*Lighter, resonant, chambered body
*satin finished rear (neck/ body)
*ribcage chamfer (thumbs up!)

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