Selling a gently used Gordius Big Little Giant 2 Midi Foot Controller. Has been gently used, though due to being a foot controller, there are signs of use, but nothing major. Some pictures:
This is one of the most programmable foot controllers on the market.
It has eight buttons in the lowest row, five buttons split up into 2 and 3 on the middle row, a bank up/down button on the right hand side and the mysterious D1/D2 buttons on the left. It only has red LEDs, which can be dimmed, off or on. It has a LCD screen. Has two pairs of midi inputs/outputs and four ports for connecting expression pedals or additional footswitches.
Dive a little deeper into the device and it is an extremely capable floorboard. In fact, programmability-wise, I'd say it trumps many other solutions out there.
Some of the cool features of the controller, imo.
1) *AMAZING* editor: Literally the best editor I've used for any product. It is so easy to hook up to the foot controller using a USB cable from your computer, programme whatever you want it to do, and dump the new command set into the device. You can also programme on the foot controller, but being able to do it sitting down at a computer instead of bending over is great.
It's also interesting how the programming works. For example, I could programme a single button to cycle through presets 1-5 in a performance with every press. I could programme subsequent performances to inherit the same behaviour as well instead of having to do each one manually. Or I could choose to have a completely different behaviour for that button on another performance. You could have a completely different layout for each performance if you want.
You also have macros to perform a set of commands when you step on a button. And you can assign these macros to be present in a layout whenever you want or have them inherited across layouts
2) Expandable: The product is designed to interface with three floorboards - the FCB1010, Roland FC200 and Roland FC300. Just hook them up and you can map anything you'd like to the extra buttons and built in expression pedals.
3) Customisable sweep curves for expression pedals: You can draw your own custom curves for each expression pedal. You can hook up four expression pedals to the Little Giant, but if you expand your setup with say a FCB1010, you can use eight expression pedals at a time. Absolutely ridiculous.
An example of this would be if you want to reverse the polarity of one of your expression pedals to send maximum value at heel and minimum at toe.
You can also hook up additional footswitches to the device using these jacks.
4) Multiple function buttons: Do you want the button to be momentary? Latching? Press once for something? Hold for something else? It can be done. You could have a different function on a different performance too.
5) Bank lists, set lists: You are able to store multiple kinds of setups on the board. Say you just want to fool around with browse mode on the Kemper, with controls to turn off each of the eight FX and navigate through each profile. You can map all eight of the buttons on the lowest row of the Gordius to each FX slot, use the five buttons on the middle row to go through a set of five sequential profiles in browse mode (hint: you can change the browse parameter on the Kemper to browse by gain, browse favourites, browse this, browse that) and hit the bank up/down button to jump to the next set of five presets. I found this invaluable to go through all 900-odd profiles on my Kemper.
Jump to performance mode and it's just the same, except you're browsing through performances that you have set up.
Alternatively, you could have another type of banklist where you programme
Now let's say you're hitting the stage and don't want to navigate through your setlist by having to remember what bank what song is in. Use setlist mode instead. This will allow you to create a setlist of songs that you are performing with a certain band. If you have multiple bands, it's great because you could have a different setlist for each bank.
So your setlist has all your songs for a band. But you're not playing all your songs on one night. Simply uncheck the songs that you are not playing that night. Now with every press of the bank up/down buttons, you'll jump to the next song for the night while skipping the ones you are not playing.
6) Unlimited midi commands with a button press: I noted that a lot of other foot controllers have a limit on how many commands you can send simultaneously. With the Gordius, there is no limit as long as there is memory. And while the "memory limit" seems like a problem, it has massive memory, you could save so many that it's not even funny.
7) Advanced programming:
- Retain stompbox state: Say you have activated an effect in a profile and jump to another one. But when you come back to the earlier profile, you want that effect to be on. You just have to programme the device to retain your stompbox states. You can retain states per preset or globally.
- Logical If/Else/Else If programming: This is extremely useful if you want to tap on a button and have other things change with respect to your button assignments. For example, let's say you want to activate a completely different layout for your controller or you want your expression pedal being used as a volume pedal to turn into a morph pedal when you step on a certain button. Can be done. Here's an example from the manual
If PATCH 001 is active
Channel 01 ProgChange 001
ElseIf PATCH 002 is active
Channel 02 ProgChange 013
Channel 04 CtrlChange 000 000
Channel 04 ProgChange 021
or another example
If Var 01 equals 0
Channel 01 CtrlChange 007 010
ElseIf Var 01 less than 64
Channel 01 CtrlChange 007 020
ElseIf Var 01 less than 127
Channel 01 CtrlChange 007 040
Channel 01 CtrlChange 007 050
- Loop: This isn't a looper, more like you can have a set of commands repeated ad infinitum till you switch to a different profile.
- Expression pedal controls: This is pretty cool, say you're using an expression pedal and you want to jump to a different profile when you move past a certain range. Can be done. Or lets say you want to activate one effect at heel position and one at toe. Amazing.
- CC Sweep: Jump through a range of parameters with a button press. You get to define how long you want the sweep to take.
- Delayed transmission: This is very complicated, but here's an example. You can have an effect triggered when you long press a button. Or you could alternatively have an effect trigger after you release the button you were holding. Another use is to delay transmission of commands, say if you were using a loop.
- Beat syncing: You could have a beat-synced morph. 'Nuff said.
These are a few that I am using, but there are more.
8) Multiple display modes: You could have a completely different display on the LCD when you step on a certain button. This is very handy for being able to tell what's going on and be presented with information relevant to what you're doing at a certain stage of a performance.
9) D1/D2: You can programme each of these buttons to access a certain set of footswitches or presets. Very handy. Hit the button again to go back to the layout you were on earlier. Think of them as something similar to the looper button on the Remote, except you have way more buttons to access.
10) Single cable for power and communication: This is one of the strongest points of the Remote and I'm glad to say it's possible with the Little Giant too with the aid of a little midi cable that converts the Kemper in and out midi into a single 7-pin cable. Powers the board too using a regular adaptor hidden away somewhere.
I purchased this controller second-hand and could not be more happy with it. I use it to control my Kemper, my synth, my sequencer and my vocal processor, but it could be used for so much more.
Please note that this listing is only for the foot controller, without anything else.
Selling for $1000, whatsapp on eight 1 three 2 three 6 6 nine to deal. Unit can be tested at my convenience as well.
This is one of the most programmable foot controllers on the market.
It has eight buttons in the lowest row, five buttons split up into 2 and 3 on the middle row, a bank up/down button on the right hand side and the mysterious D1/D2 buttons on the left. It only has red LEDs, which can be dimmed, off or on. It has a LCD screen. Has two pairs of midi inputs/outputs and four ports for connecting expression pedals or additional footswitches.
Dive a little deeper into the device and it is an extremely capable floorboard. In fact, programmability-wise, I'd say it trumps many other solutions out there.
Some of the cool features of the controller, imo.
1) *AMAZING* editor: Literally the best editor I've used for any product. It is so easy to hook up to the foot controller using a USB cable from your computer, programme whatever you want it to do, and dump the new command set into the device. You can also programme on the foot controller, but being able to do it sitting down at a computer instead of bending over is great.
It's also interesting how the programming works. For example, I could programme a single button to cycle through presets 1-5 in a performance with every press. I could programme subsequent performances to inherit the same behaviour as well instead of having to do each one manually. Or I could choose to have a completely different behaviour for that button on another performance. You could have a completely different layout for each performance if you want.
You also have macros to perform a set of commands when you step on a button. And you can assign these macros to be present in a layout whenever you want or have them inherited across layouts
2) Expandable: The product is designed to interface with three floorboards - the FCB1010, Roland FC200 and Roland FC300. Just hook them up and you can map anything you'd like to the extra buttons and built in expression pedals.
3) Customisable sweep curves for expression pedals: You can draw your own custom curves for each expression pedal. You can hook up four expression pedals to the Little Giant, but if you expand your setup with say a FCB1010, you can use eight expression pedals at a time. Absolutely ridiculous.
An example of this would be if you want to reverse the polarity of one of your expression pedals to send maximum value at heel and minimum at toe.
You can also hook up additional footswitches to the device using these jacks.
4) Multiple function buttons: Do you want the button to be momentary? Latching? Press once for something? Hold for something else? It can be done. You could have a different function on a different performance too.
5) Bank lists, set lists: You are able to store multiple kinds of setups on the board. Say you just want to fool around with browse mode on the Kemper, with controls to turn off each of the eight FX and navigate through each profile. You can map all eight of the buttons on the lowest row of the Gordius to each FX slot, use the five buttons on the middle row to go through a set of five sequential profiles in browse mode (hint: you can change the browse parameter on the Kemper to browse by gain, browse favourites, browse this, browse that) and hit the bank up/down button to jump to the next set of five presets. I found this invaluable to go through all 900-odd profiles on my Kemper.
Jump to performance mode and it's just the same, except you're browsing through performances that you have set up.
Alternatively, you could have another type of banklist where you programme
Now let's say you're hitting the stage and don't want to navigate through your setlist by having to remember what bank what song is in. Use setlist mode instead. This will allow you to create a setlist of songs that you are performing with a certain band. If you have multiple bands, it's great because you could have a different setlist for each bank.
So your setlist has all your songs for a band. But you're not playing all your songs on one night. Simply uncheck the songs that you are not playing that night. Now with every press of the bank up/down buttons, you'll jump to the next song for the night while skipping the ones you are not playing.
6) Unlimited midi commands with a button press: I noted that a lot of other foot controllers have a limit on how many commands you can send simultaneously. With the Gordius, there is no limit as long as there is memory. And while the "memory limit" seems like a problem, it has massive memory, you could save so many that it's not even funny.
7) Advanced programming:
- Retain stompbox state: Say you have activated an effect in a profile and jump to another one. But when you come back to the earlier profile, you want that effect to be on. You just have to programme the device to retain your stompbox states. You can retain states per preset or globally.
- Logical If/Else/Else If programming: This is extremely useful if you want to tap on a button and have other things change with respect to your button assignments. For example, let's say you want to activate a completely different layout for your controller or you want your expression pedal being used as a volume pedal to turn into a morph pedal when you step on a certain button. Can be done. Here's an example from the manual
If PATCH 001 is active
Channel 01 ProgChange 001
ElseIf PATCH 002 is active
Channel 02 ProgChange 013
Channel 04 CtrlChange 000 000
Channel 04 ProgChange 021
or another example
If Var 01 equals 0
Channel 01 CtrlChange 007 010
ElseIf Var 01 less than 64
Channel 01 CtrlChange 007 020
ElseIf Var 01 less than 127
Channel 01 CtrlChange 007 040
Channel 01 CtrlChange 007 050
- Loop: This isn't a looper, more like you can have a set of commands repeated ad infinitum till you switch to a different profile.
- Expression pedal controls: This is pretty cool, say you're using an expression pedal and you want to jump to a different profile when you move past a certain range. Can be done. Or lets say you want to activate one effect at heel position and one at toe. Amazing.
- CC Sweep: Jump through a range of parameters with a button press. You get to define how long you want the sweep to take.
- Delayed transmission: This is very complicated, but here's an example. You can have an effect triggered when you long press a button. Or you could alternatively have an effect trigger after you release the button you were holding. Another use is to delay transmission of commands, say if you were using a loop.
- Beat syncing: You could have a beat-synced morph. 'Nuff said.
These are a few that I am using, but there are more.
8) Multiple display modes: You could have a completely different display on the LCD when you step on a certain button. This is very handy for being able to tell what's going on and be presented with information relevant to what you're doing at a certain stage of a performance.
9) D1/D2: You can programme each of these buttons to access a certain set of footswitches or presets. Very handy. Hit the button again to go back to the layout you were on earlier. Think of them as something similar to the looper button on the Remote, except you have way more buttons to access.
10) Single cable for power and communication: This is one of the strongest points of the Remote and I'm glad to say it's possible with the Little Giant too with the aid of a little midi cable that converts the Kemper in and out midi into a single 7-pin cable. Powers the board too using a regular adaptor hidden away somewhere.
I purchased this controller second-hand and could not be more happy with it. I use it to control my Kemper, my synth, my sequencer and my vocal processor, but it could be used for so much more.
Please note that this listing is only for the foot controller, without anything else.
Selling for $1000, whatsapp on eight 1 three 2 three 6 6 nine to deal. Unit can be tested at my convenience as well.