GE / Polling Day on 07-May-2011

"your votes are our 'secret weapons' " by Chen Shuo Mao (WP). All these questionings,threatening rudely on PAP candidates are uncalled for. Why go thru all these troubles when after 7th of May, everything will be revealed?
haha, better dont tell them who we be voting, afterall, as the say, "voting is secret". Wait kena pwn by them back by saying that secret is not meant to be shared let alone voting.

Also not engage them in questioning them, might get mad at their politically correct tone and ended up like these 2 cases

:eek: Okaaaaayyy.... now thats scary.
"your votes are our 'secret weapons' " by Chen Shuo Mao (WP). All these questionings,threatening rudely on PAP candidates are uncalled for. Why go thru all these troubles when after 7th of May, everything will be revealed?

In any contest, decorum & civility should be observed.
being nice is of one's character, upbringing, enviroment and so for. When comes to election, political views and such, the definition of oneself is already no longer relavant or as important as the political party as a whole, on its own, its manifesto and perhaps what it has done or shown, along the way and not just putting on a show(even if sincere), just before the big day.
PAP smear campaign, FAILED! Haizzz, really dont know what to say. Want to help them, they keep shooting without aiming properly and easily refuted with facts.

"The account of Hougang Town Council, like any Town Council account from the PAP, has to be audited by a public accountant who must be approved by the Ministry for National Development. After the auditor completed the audit, it has to be submitted to the Ministry for National Development and Auditor General for approval. After which, like all statutory boards, it has to be presented to Parliament and each MP can have a copy of it.

If the account is messy, how come MND and Auditor General approved it? Why is Mrs Lim, who is a minister and an MP, making this kind of comment now? She has received a copy of the report on Hougang Town Council and had not made any observations earlier. Why shoot such irresponsible comments on me now? What is she trying to do?"

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^ In previous elections, PAP always got an easy ride. In this year's election, PAP was unnerved and alarmed by the size and quality of the Oppositions, contesting in nearly all constituencies. Hence, you see all the uncharacteristic behaviour, weaknesses and hint of desperation coming from the incumbents.
i so want to help pap to post something good and truthfull about them. But har, seriously, why so failed one they all... another one here....

The case was reported in the newspaper, straitstime and The newpaper somemore. Who so kuku to slander them when it was reported by local newspaper, 2 years ago.

Cock spelled with capital "C"


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haha, better dont tell them who we be voting, afterall, as the say, "voting is secret". Wait kena pwn by them back by saying that secret is not meant to be shared let alone voting.

Also not engage them in questioning them, might get mad at their politically correct tone and ended up like these 2 cases

We can derive a few things from this episode.....

1. The incumbent MP doesn't appear comfortable in engaging people. Seems like he's doing it for the sake of the election (and his big salary), and doesn't come across as genuine. Big fake smile?

2. The incumbent MP's subsequent action and things he said represent what PAP typically is....arrogant, insensitive and high-handed.

3. The incumbent MP tends to hide behind PAP and PAP's election manifesto. He doesn't seem to be his own man and represent who he really is. More like part of an entity and obediently towing the party line. I find this conversation interesting......

Me: Could you please tell me why I should vote for you?

Mr Lui: You should NOT vote for the Opposition because they ...

Me: The Opposition? No, I want to know about you. Please tell me why I should vote for you.

Mr Lui: You should vote for the PAP because we ....

Me: The PAP? No, no. I'm not interested in the PAP or the Opposition. I'm interested to know about you. Why should I vote for you?

At this point, Mr Lui shot me a look of pure anger, waved his hand about in the air, declaring, "We could spend all night talking about me!", pointed to the newsletter and snapped, "It's all in the the newsletter!" He then swung round and stormed off.

It's a good but fair question asked by the blogger. Because as a voter, he wants to know who he is actually voting for...the candidate as an individual. And also what stance and ideal this candidate represents to him and his constituent. Obviously the blogger doesn't want to know all the upgrading promises and other BS, as they can be found in the PAP newsletter. I believe if the MP gave a simple reply like "Because I will listen to your problems", or "Because I will do my best to raise your standard of living", or even "Because I care"....that will be sufficient and the blogger will go home happily knowing who he might be voting for. Too bad this MP couldn't handle such simple question without letting his PAP pride gets in his way.

If I'm a neutral voter, I wouldn't vote for this incumbent MP. If he doesn't have the patience and graciousness in dealing with a simple request from one person, what makes you think he can handle the many requests and assistance sought by the residences?
sometime perhaps it aint that the individual is not capable, but in daily course of work, having too many people around to settle for them and making them unable to engage ordinary folks with normal sense of communication, compassion and common sense

Hehe, another one...

PatheinRaindropMoe, did the Aljunied PAP team pressed charges? Or it is just police investigation?

Anyone know what happened to the case in the end?
Anyway, of all the political parties in Singapore, i'm sure you'd agree that only the PAP is capable of forming a government that can actually lead the country.

A company changed it's CEO and still keep the old CEO as senior CEO will makes you wonder
1) if the new CEO isn't up for the job yet (so why make him the new CEO)
2) if the old CEO is so indispensable (why replace him)

and it happened twice, in sg
welcome to sg
hehe, of course i agree, seeing mp is just one of the channel, but not necessary only one.

What was funny, is how fast the ball is thrown to another party liao, which iam pretty familiar with, having done and seeing how its done on a daily basis in office.

Its lucky, that iam a peasant worker, not MP though.

sadly, why do i have to see this video, from another fellow pap member, his words for the first couple of minutes, already contradict what has been written..

I really feel sad, for wanting to see good in everyone.

mrekoj, the LKY brandname is very powerful. It can open doors much easier.

As regards to your 2 questions. Succession is the answer.

I hope Singapore can continue to enjoy the good things for many more years.
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hehe, another side of the story for this case,

" I am the one who told porno Lui off.

Here are the details. I suggest u leave out my details and condo name:

Condo has only 19 units so we do not have security. However access is only by activating an intercom from the main direct to the resident u want to visit. The gate is than opened by the resident from a switch in his home after he satisfied that the person visiting him is bonafide. This is to keep non residents and unauthorised visitors out. We had some breakin and we are very security consoius since we don't have a guard or cameras.

Yesterday don know how a whole bunch of about 15-20 PAP entourage walked into the compound of the condo unannounced like they own the place and started spreading apround and knocking on the doors of the residents annoying the residents.

This was at about 1pm. I only know about this when 2-3 persons dressed in all white and carrying brochures strated shouting "hellO Hello thru my open door.

I was shocked and asked who they were. They said they werer on PAP walkabout and wanted to talk to me.

I am an MC member and got really mad and shouted at then " Who gave you permission to come in. I want to speak to your MP"

They cld not answer me and started running away down the stairs. I followed them shouting who is your MP. I want to speak to him.

I ran after them and caught up with them as they just about half way leaving the estate and still in the compound of the estate.

I confronted the minister who acted very fierce with me. I asked who gave him permission to come .He said "resident' and could not tell me who. In any case it is not a license to go all over he estate. I shouted at him saying he was trespassing and he needed to have MC approval. That i was MC member and no one asked for approval.

He repliled " i know you are not pappy with PAP government so no need to be like that and extended his hand to shake mine".

I said I will not shake his hand and shouted to him to get out of the esatte . I followed up by saying this was the worst goverment and hoped he will be voted oput.

He turned rund and his whole bunch of people quickly ran out of the estate. As he was leavung I heard hi say " Did nayone of you record down the conversation"

I am not sure he called the police or not. No police have contacted me yet.

Meanewhile the condo mgt corpoation is issuing a notice to all residnents not to allow any piolitcal parties to enter the compound and to remind them that they need to get MC approval."
PatheinRaindropMoe, did the Aljunied PAP team pressed charges? Or it is just police investigation?

Anyone know what happened to the case in the end?

Dont know leh, there wasnt much follow up in the newpaper then. Some also have the same thought as you mentioned,

Some speculation from here

"This lady Mrs Lim is not Cynthia Phua. Someone must have pressed charges, if not the boy won't need to be out on BAIL"
hehe, better late than never, must give chance.

At most will repent, for 5 years, before the report book come out, then everything will start again.

We must learn to forgive, but not to forget. Forgiving so that we can move on with more experiences to prevent similar bad things. If we forget, then we deserved to be played, over and over again.

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