GE / Polling Day on 07-May-2011

I just hope our prime minister has an explaination for his obscene wages. It is times larger than than president of state's.

Im not the only who has questioned this issue, but seems like we havent gotten a definite answer.
I'm sorry if i offended anyone with my opinion. I realised i'm just expressing them in the wrong place.

I promise i won't post in this thread anymore.

Once again, i'm genuinely sorry. And thank you for giving me your opinions too. :)
elderly of 80+ still have to do those stuff to get their life going ?? ... something is wrong right.

mrekoj, elderly of 80+ should not have to do all these stuff. The first level of support should come from the family. Children must take care of their parents. If this is not possible due to genuine reason, community/government should help.

While taking about this is really easy, doing it is really difficult. Not many people would inconvenience themselves to go the extra mile to help those in need. It is sad but it is true.

If you really know of someone who might need help, please read up on Public Assistance Scheme and see if they can apply for it.
mr soft,
thanks for the link, i'm just quoting some examples of what i felt can be improved.
same as daryle, i'm just sharing my opinions, no offense to anyone.

i respect the opinion from you guys too :)
mrekoj, no offence at all.

A lot of time, we just do not know what help is available out there. It is good that we share these resources so that no one will be 'unhelp'.
I have seen it all since my initial political awareness with JB Jeyaretnam & the workers party and how with every election after that, policies, electoral maps, standards of living etc all change .... ESPECIALLY SO FOR THE LAST FIVE YEARS

WHY ...some of us may ask ... then... do many ppl still vote for the ruling party?

1. They are already leading very comfortable lives in the very rich bracket & do not want to "rock the foundations" to change the status quo in their lives.

2. Fear of reprisals ... check out the latest issue of the Jurong Townhall girl who was terminated because she was caught being an opposition supporter, among other things. Most civil servants will then to vote for the ruling party because of their unjustified fear of losing their jobs ....

3. Opposition parties are denied the platform to present themselves & their ideas to the people because of the main stream media. The internet has changed all that for this GE.

I'm sure you all must have heard about the Potong Pasir incidents where anti pap supporters have been rallying to get 8000 signatures to pursue a bi-election there. From what read in the Temasek Review, police were dispatched to break it up and confiscated the petition....

People are not happy .... Singaporeans have voiced that out in a clear tone to the govt that things have got to change or else....
Right now we are still eking out a daily living & surviving BUT when our basic needs are eventually affected, like how Egypt, Tunisia, Libya have show - the people take to the streets and that when the real problems start ....

I am not totally against the pap - let’s face it, they have really delivered for us all these years from the turbulent sixties, through the race riots, economic downturns, outbreak of diseases, etc ....


they have also made mistakes - e.g. Mas Selamat, YOG, Temasek holdings and the biggest problem is that if everyone in parliament is on the same side and will not oppose a change in policy (which many of us may not want) ....who are going to register our complaints & concerns. Foreign Talent? They may be economically good for Singapore but they do compete with us true blue Singaporeans for HDB housing (indirectly creating demand & price increases). Too many FTs now - anyone who faces morning rush hour in the mrt - please tell me how it goes ...

The list goes on ...

The only one who is going conduct "checks & balances" for us when nobody else will, is the opposition MP .... 40% of Singaporeans openly expressed their opinion in the GE ...

Young Singaporeans, who will be voting maybe in the next elections ..... The internet has opened up the world to you. You have a choice & a chance to view things from both parties prospective ... so make the right decision in the next GE....
I have ...

1. They are already leading very comfortable lives in the very rich bracket & do not want to "rock the foundations" to change the status quo in their lives.

I am not totally against the pap - let’s face it, they have really delivered for us all these years from the turbulent sixties, through the race riots, economic downturns, outbreak of diseases, etc ....


+1. To support this further, heres an article in ST's GE PM Edn on 8th May.

Disclaimer: I am not saying taht all in"landed property = the well-to-do". But this article comes close.

Just thinking out aloud.

Are there any opposition supporters who are rich? I mean, do any of them live in landed (above mentioned definition of rich)?

Did "Mas Selamat, YOG, Temasek holdings" incident affected anyone directly?

As for the overcrowding in transport system, I have always wondered why do we not plan a schedule where we do not have to travel during rush hours. Don't start work at 8am for everyone. Some companies can start work at 9am or 9.30am. This way, the concurrent users will be fewer. This is something that has to be managed, encouraged and fine-tuned.
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