PAP likes to question what the Oppositions can offer or propose as alternative solutions. But when the Oppositions did just exactly that, PAP quickly dismissed it as "poison", "dangerous" or other demeaning terms without elaborating why. I doubt they even read or put some thought in it. And the most contradicting thing is....if PAP's policies and plans are so good, why are so many Singaporeans up in arms against them this election, and why is the PM apologising for all their mistakes?
I think the PAP likes to think they have the ultimate answers to every problems in Singapore. You should have seen how Mah Bow Tan refuted every other alternative HDB plans as if the Opposition's suggestions were totally crap. :O
Anyway I attended RP's rally in West Coast a few days ago and I was very very impressed with Kenneth Jeyaratnam. Cool, composed and he knows what he is doing. Singapore needs more men of such calibre!
On a last note, has anyone noticed the atrocity of the PAP candidates' command of Mandarin? They seriously cannot converse in Mandarin for nuts!