GE / Polling Day on 07-May-2011

PAP likes to question what the Oppositions can offer or propose as alternative solutions. But when the Oppositions did just exactly that, PAP quickly dismissed it as "poison", "dangerous" or other demeaning terms without elaborating why. I doubt they even read or put some thought in it. And the most contradicting thing is....if PAP's policies and plans are so good, why are so many Singaporeans up in arms against them this election, and why is the PM apologising for all their mistakes?

I think the PAP likes to think they have the ultimate answers to every problems in Singapore. You should have seen how Mah Bow Tan refuted every other alternative HDB plans as if the Opposition's suggestions were totally crap. :O

Anyway I attended RP's rally in West Coast a few days ago and I was very very impressed with Kenneth Jeyaratnam. Cool, composed and he knows what he is doing. Singapore needs more men of such calibre!

On a last note, has anyone noticed the atrocity of the PAP candidates' command of Mandarin? They seriously cannot converse in Mandarin for nuts!
George Yeo used "resentment" and emotional angle for his last Aljunied GRC rally. Here are some really interesting comments. From yahoo news.....

......Acknowledging the "resentment against the government", the Minister who is heading the People's Action Party's Aljunied GRC team said, the PAP government needs to exercise "flexibility" in its programmes and treat its citizens as "human beings"......

Why don't PAP admit this during the last 5-6 years? Why only now, 2 days before polling day? PAP trying to get sympathy votes? How uncharacteristic for an arrogant party....haha! The thing is....PAP has since stopped treating its citizens as "human beings" for many years.

.....He also admitted Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew's comments that Aljunied GRC residents who vote for the Workers' Party would have five years to repent had "created greater anger, greater resentment in many people"......

But he is your "mentor" right? If WP wins, are you going to tell the old man off?
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30,000 people attended WP's rally at the Serangoon Stadium. Even S-League and PAP rallies couldn't draw so much crowd. :)

Another PAP candidate resorted to dirty tactics.....

Meanwhile, candidate Gerald Giam issued a party statement on Thursday night, responding to PAP accusations that the party is against upgrading.

The party referred to a political leaflet the PAP circulated to households, which cited a personal blog post by Giam. It said that WP is against upgrading, that the party says HDB prices should be kept low by keeping flats looking old and that HDB-dwellers should not have a "high class living environment".

The WP said, "This is misleading and mischievous. It was distributed just before the close of the campaign period, leaving little time for WP to respond and set the record straight."

Crazy. Nobody in the right mind is against upgrading. Only PAP denying Oppositions the funds to upgrade to be exact. Such shallow comments show that PAP is grasping for straws and getting desperate. They ran out of ideas, so they anyhow hantam.

Over the last few days, we are witnessing PAP revealing its true colours when they feel the heat. I bet they did not realize how much Singaporeans dislike them and their policies, until they felt it themselves on the ground during rallies and walkabouts. That's what happened when you stay in your ivory tower for too long, and your grassroot leaders only feed you good news.
I can easily see how the last 5 years, in fact, how my 40 years of living in Singapore has improved. No need impress me by staging rallies. No need talk about doing this, doing that. Cos I know that I am in good hands.

I will continue to do my part as Singaporean to help as many people who need help.
As a matter of experience, many local companies are run much like how the government runs the country. Don't believe it? I didn't used to.
chungmun77, is it like how Japanese company run like Japan government or American company run like American government?

If so, does that mean it is the people who form the culture?

Does anyone know what business is Low Thia Khiang in? Cos it is printed as businessman.
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chungmun77, is it like how Japanese company run like Japan government or American company run like American government?

If so, does that mean it is the people who form the culture?

Does anyone know what business is Low Thia Khiang in? Cos it is printed as businessman.

I have to apologize (oh, I'm not trying to be trendy here.) if I've misunderstood what you mean. If I understand you correctly, my view is that people allow certain organizational cultures to be forced upon them. That could be due to the fear of losing one's position in the company, which along with it all sorts of material possessions and self-esteem. Of course people play a part in forming the culture, but under the influence of the leader.

How Japanese or American companies are run, I have no clue and am in no position to comment. If what you're trying to say is that Singaporean's are the ones that shaped the government into what it is today, then I respectfully disagree.

I haven't any idea what Low Thia Kiang's business entails, just like I didn't have any idea that a highway is to split my estate's compound until I read about it in the papers.