GE / Polling Day on 07-May-2011

I am just wondering, can the Opposition Party do anything without being elected into the Parliament? Maybe start some projects like building schools, small hospital, create jobs by setting up companies ...

I think this way, it will show Singaporeans that they can make things happen and not just say say only.

this is rather difficult boss, as implementations need funding & perpetual management- the reason why town councils are established to oversee such concerns. he he... i think many of us can relate to the fact that there are many fittings & facade in our estates which we can do without but other fundamental concerns are overlooked.
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Is it me, or anyone else think the term "A-Team" is used way too loosely in this election? Anyway, we have witnessed and experienced first hand how our current so-called "A-Team" created so much problems and headache (like rising inflation rate, high cost of living, shortage of housing, inadequate transport, influx of foreigners, overcrowding, job security, wage level that couldn't keep up with inflation, flooding, and so forth) for the average Singaporeans over the last 5-6 years.

If I were you, I would not be too quick to say that the "A Team" has created the problems which you have mentioned. To be fair, these problems are global trends that are happening in most parts of the globe, so it would not be reasonably fair to fault or penalize the "A Team" for something which they have little control in. Nonetheless, you may still judge them by their responses to the problems. Were they slow to respond? Were they ineffective? Were they oblivious to the feelings on the ground? Were they too highhanded in their approach? Etc... If you think that they have done poorly, you can exercise your right at the polling station.

Don't vote against the "A Team" just because of their lackluster performance. Also, don't vote for the opposition just because the issues that they brought up ring a bell or is close to your heart. Rather, vote for the ones whom you think can better handle the problems at hand, and is to come. Vote wisely, and see you on polling day.
Watching the live telecast on CNA. Quite exciting. 10 mins to go before deadline for candidates to submit their nominations. Got a few dramas. Ha..haa.. Indie candidate tore up document in front of GE staff and walk out of centre. PAP candidate last min pull out.

despite whatever flip-side the situation would have, SDP's reputation seems to be shaken with the above individual's involvement in this:

bro - the flip side is VB is getting backlash for dirty politics ....

In the long run I guess, ppl are entitled to their opinions in support of their parties, regardless of their race, religion, sex,age, sexual orientation, level of myopia, IQ level or just the amount of their common sense .. thats why some many ppl talk, talk , talk yet the pap is still in power ...
Never ever got to vote in all my yrs... cos its walkover EVERY time
Feels soooo good that this time round, my vote may make a difference.

So enuff talk already. Like some others I know, they'll be casting 'protest votes' against the ruling party regardless of what the other parties have to offer or propose.

Whoever wins, we dont really care. At least we've let our voices be heard and let it be known that the 'ground' is really pissed-off. Things are already bad as it is for certain quarters. So, any change is an improvement.

(an observation: 1,160 views in 10 days. this thread is HOT. wonder whos "eyeing" it.)
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On a personal note, good news for me. I have a chance to vote for Mr Low Thia Khiang himself for Aljunied GRC.

I once attended a Chinese seven-month dinner event at Hougang, and Mr Low TK was the guest of honour. And I found out from fellow guests and residences they genuinely respect the pretense, no wayang (and no coaxing or putting on a show from grassroot leaders like PAP). And Mr Low was like a typical resident uncle, no hint of airs about him or his entourage. Instead of sitting at the nice VIP table, he decided to go around each and every table, mingled and chatted with everyone throughout the event. And every table he visited ended up noisy with people cheering and laughing. He also donated a sizeable gift for the charity auction. From that experience, I understood why the residence of Hougang voted him in every election, despite not receiving funds from the government for upgradings or other projects.
In the past elections, I have always leaned towards the opposition because felt that we needed an alternative voice in parliament.

Over the many years my feelings grew increasingly ingrained for the opposition because of the many struggles they face when competing against the ruling party.

The last five years with the real bread & butter issues hittting me and as I find it increasingly difficult to survive here in SG, I dont just want an alternative voice, I'm ready to see what changes an alternative can do to improve my life here in the country that I was born in. Real concrete long term improvement instead of superficial short term, carrot offered, threat ladened status quo.

Vote wisely fellow softies
Totally agree to what FGL bro has shared. FGL has seen the whole segment of society from early kampung days to now and clearly the problems are increasing. Your vote is important to all parties,do it wisely.

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^ Yep, great speech....gracious to the opponents, eloquent and yet addressed all the hard hitting issues/realities concerning many Singaporeans to the point. He also did very well in a Q&A talk show on TV recently. No wonder PAP wanted to smear his reputation....they know he's a threat to them. I would like to see this man makes some noises in Parliament.
Yes, i believe those PAP supporters are being 'forced' into it. Imagine wearing all white on Nomination day to support? LOL
I am sure those are from the teachers/police force and other sectors.
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i've read this in one of the forums (can't remember which one- getting old...): the WP party umbrella is lightning-proof (hope you get it). this made my day, he he...

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