GE / Polling Day on 07-May-2011

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Is there anything that you wish the government could have done for you? Not other people but you as an individual.
live and let live for any honest mistake i have done, work wise and still getting pay increment, peg my salary to their pay, 8 dollars policy plan for major surgery and hospitalization cost, new hdb at truly affordable cost price without any nonsense asset enhancement/raiding reserve talk/affordable but having to pay 30 years scheme, reduce ict cycles, rt(even though i already MR liao, but would like to see this), getting my cpf money before i die or earlier than 65,

despite whatever flip-side the situation would have, SDP's reputation seems to be shaken with the above individual's involvement in this:
Has anyone noticed lately......

......PAP seems to have resorted to character assassinations and personal attacks (including name callings) on the Opposition members. And PAP's mouthpiece, the mainstream media is also getting more and more pro-PAP as the election draws closer? A hint of desperation by the incumbent?
it's not desperation... it has always been that way.

In a way, true. However, if it's the other way round, the PAP will sue and sue the Opposition till kingdom come, like what happened in the past, because the PAP appointed judiciaries will be in their favour.

Anyway, kudos to the Opposition by sticking to their guns. They focus on the bread & butter issues most Singaporeans are facing, which many are negatively affected by the current policies. They debate on the rising cost and declining standard of living, particularly among the lower to middle income group. They emphasize on bringing in a more vibrant alternate voices to the parliament, as oppose to a single party making all decisions unilaterally.

Unlike PAP, they don' resort to personal attacks (hopefully they keep calm and refrain themselves), or
....question candidates about loyalty and where they are from, or about doomsday scenario (as usual) if the Opposition wins, or
....stay pretty coy and apprehensive over the immigration/FT concerns throughout the election campaign, or
....keep on harping on "asset enhancement" when it doesn't really benefit single-home owners and many young couples who don't even have a roof over their heads.
it's good to see the current breed of opposition with reputation & calibre to match the ruling party (but it's not across the board, though). when i recall the past cohorts of oppositions, they were not people who can match the ruling party in terms of intellect but that's not the case now. my respect still goes out to Low Thia Khiang & Chiam See Tong for being the resolute voices in checking the system.

... because the PAP appointed judiciaries will be in their favour.

yikes. there might be an implicaiton here that the judges are people at the PAP's disposal which is not the case. the judiciary is appointed by the government, it's too bad that the government is made up of the PAP majority, but we must keep in mind that the government also consists of opposition members, regardless of how very few there are in there.
yikes. there might be an implicaiton here that the judges are people at the PAP's disposal which is not the case. the judiciary is appointed by the government, it's too bad that the government is made up of the PAP majority, but we must keep in mind that the government also consists of opposition members, regardless of how very few there are in there.

Opposition is not part of the Government. They are only in Parliament to oppose for the sake of opposing, but not part of the Government that makes decisions to steer the country forward. Have you ever seen an opposition Cabinet Minister? No. This is because only the A team has the quality candidates to make up the Cabinet and Government to steer us forward. There are simply not enough talents in our country to form 2 A teams, so we need to give the A team our mandate. The A team transformed the country from a backward swampland into today's first world metropolis, from third world to first. A team = Government = Singapore, because without A team there won't be Singapore as we know it today.
Opposition is not part of the Government. They are only in Parliament to oppose for the sake of opposing, but not part of the Government that makes decisions to steer the country forward. Have you ever seen an opposition Cabinet Minister? No. This is because only the A team has the quality candidates to make up the Cabinet and Government to steer us forward. There are simply not enough talents in our country to form 2 A teams, so we need to give the A team our mandate. The A team transformed the country from a backward swampland into today's first world metropolis, from third world to first. A team = Government = Singapore, because without A team there won't be Singapore as we know it today.

No disrepect, but what you described are just PAP's political rethorics which has been regurgitated and repeated by the media to ad nauseum. And certainly NOT everyone buy the story. Tell us something about PAP we don't know.

"opposition Cabinet Minister"? LOL. Of course we don't see it because PAP won all previous elections. A party need to be democratically elected to form a government before ministerial roles are assigned. But well.....who knows the Oppositions will win so many parliamentary seats in this election, and prevent PAP from a clear cut majority. And then things might get a little bit interesting......
Opposition is not part of the Government. They are only in Parliament to oppose for the sake of opposing, but not part of the Government that makes decisions to steer the country forward. Have you ever seen an opposition Cabinet Minister? No.

we may not see the effect of the parliament in whole, especially in this country, because the opposition composition here is terribly small. elsewhere, in countries where the ruling party does not enjoy a simple majority, we then see it more clearly. the constitution does not provide the presence of opposition for the sake of opposing in parliament per se. they were elected & put in place.

with all due respect, an 'A Team' is simple reference of secular authority comprising of able people, possiby through tried & tested experience or other forms of credentials. i don't want an A Team in my country's authority composition because it would mean the rest of the ministers are excess- it's a waste of my tax dollars. i am happy if the parliament comprises of EVERYBODY being very able to run the show together, regardless of who they are, which parties they are representing.

give any team a chance to run the show, they will definitely transform any mangrove swamp into a pregnable economy, because they are able people. not becuase they are from a preferred political party.
No disrepect, but what you described are just PAP's political rethorics which has been regurgitated and repeated by the media to ad nauseum. And certainly NOT everyone buy the story. Tell us something about PAP we don't know.

"opposition Cabinet Minister"? LOL. Of course we don't see it because PAP won all previous elections. A party need to be democratically elected to form a government before ministerial roles are assigned. But well.....who knows the Oppositions will win so many parliamentary seats in this election, and prevent PAP from a clear cut majority. And then things might get a little bit interesting......

Are you trying to say you are very smart and know more than ministers about how to run a country?
we may not see the effect of the parliament in whole, especially in this country, because the opposition composition here is terribly small. elsewhere, in countries where the ruling party does not enjoy a simple majority, we then see it more clearly. the constitution does not provide the presence of opposition for the sake of opposing in parliament per se. they were elected & put in place.

with all due respect, an 'A Team' is simple reference of secular authority comprising of able people, possiby through tried & tested experience or other forms of credentials. i don't want an A Team in my country's authority composition because it would mean the rest of the ministers are excess- it's a waste of my tax dollars. i am happy if the parliament comprises of EVERYBODY being very able to run the show together, regardless of who they are, which parties they are representing.

give any team a chance to run the show, they will definitely transform any mangrove swamp into a pregnable economy, because they are able people. not becuase they are from a preferred political party.

We should not take the risk that our HDB flats, MRT system no more and go back to swampland 3rd world country.
we may not see the effect of the parliament in whole, especially in this country, because the opposition composition here is terribly small. elsewhere, in countries where the ruling party does not enjoy a simple majority, we then see it more clearly. the constitution does not provide the presence of opposition for the sake of opposing in parliament per se. they were elected & put in place.

Well put. In many Commonwealth countries, these oppositions in parliament are also referred as "Shadow Cabinet" or "Shadow Ministers". As the namesake suggest, it's about monitoring government policies for check and balance, as well as offering alternate perpectives.

with all due respect, an 'A Team' is simple reference of secular authority comprising of able people, possiby through tried & tested experience or other forms of credentials. i don't want an A Team in my country's authority composition because it would mean the rest of the ministers are excess- it's a waste of my tax dollars. i am happy if the parliament comprises of EVERYBODY being very able to run the show together, regardless of who they are, which parties they are representing.

Is it me, or anyone else think the term "A-Team" is used way too loosely in this election? Anyway, we have witnessed and experienced first hand how our current so-called "A-Team" created so much problems and headache (like rising inflation rate, high cost of living, shortage of housing, inadequate transport, influx of foreigners, overcrowding, job security, wage level that couldn't keep up with inflation, flooding, and so forth) for the average Singaporeans over the last 5-6 years.

give any team a chance to run the show, they will definitely transform any mangrove swamp into a pregnable economy, because they are able people. not becuase they are from a preferred political party.

Yep. There's also a big difference people who serve the country with dedication and its people with compassion....versus....a bunch of elites who take their lofty position for granted, think they're capable people, but only to see and do things from their ivory towers without realising they have lost touch with the ground. Sad to say for the last decade, we are experiencing more and more of the latter. And that may be the reason why the opposition parties are getting more support in this year's election compared to the last one.
whatever choice u made, you have to examine the credibility of the individuals contesting,it is not about the constitutional preference but on the individual capability and the party's prerogative as a functioning body of excellence. That being said, i would readily vote Faizalrocks and FGL in parliament anytime! Power to my bros, haha!
I am just wondering, can the Opposition Party do anything without being elected into the Parliament? Maybe start some projects like building schools, small hospital, create jobs by setting up companies ...

I think this way, it will show Singaporeans that they can make things happen and not just say say only.

Some of the stuff implemented in my estate are kind of redundant. Like the pavement outside the house. It is supposed to be good for pedestrians but everyone put their rubbish/recycle bin there and block the pavement. End up back to square one, everyone still walk on the street. These are the things I hope my government can do better feasibility test before implementation.

I go to Potong Pasir for food every other day. Things there remain quite the same from 10 years ago, other than St Andrew's Village and some new private apartments. Bump into Mrs Chiam outside McDonald's the other day as they went around canvassing.
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We should not take the risk that our HDB flats, MRT system no more and go back to swampland 3rd world country.

if we continue to believe our HDB flats & MRT systems are our dearest assets (not saying they are epic failure) at the exclusion of others, then we may not know that there could be other better considerations for us. realistically, if we do away with these, our country won't revert to its undeveloped nature- that's rather far-fetched. unless we are nuked, of course (then don't even expect a swamp to exist).

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