GE / Polling Day on 07-May-2011

actually,we shouldn't equate how they manage or fare within their party as an assumption of how they will eventually turn out if they are in governance next time.

whatever takes place internally has a fair bearing of how they would perform on a more extensive authority. eventually, the government is made up of people working together, not individuals who manifest their prerogatives regardless of what others think of them.
my grandma ran for elections back in '77 with the opposition. i get to ride at the back of the pickup truck doing its rounds in the neighbourhood with the PA blaring! being a kid at that time, i didnt realise what all the fuss was about. Now that I'm older...

And my uncle ran for elections too at the last election. also with the opposition.
Needless to say, they both lost

respect to your grandma & uncle - hope you have relatives running this year & that they are succesful this time around

support us, raise our profile, we give you iPad 2- you've read this in the news; do we endorse this?

full article: soon grc&id=1123927
I don't really trust Kenneth very much, after more than half his party left. Tells me that he can't put his party together well, let alone a stable, working government.

like I said ... politic is a dirty game .... but lets give the fella a chance
I live in MacPherson but my Electoral Divisions is actually Marine Parade GRC. I am always in the middle of everything. Aljunied, Potong Pasir and Tai Seng MRT are like equal distance from my place.

gee, I wonder why that is .... should be at least 3 electorate divisions from these places
how about the new batch of candidates the SDP let out? actually,we shouldn't equate how they manage or fare within their party as an assumption of how they will eventually turn out if they are in governance next time. Somehow, oppositions role should be one that is able to provide a check and alternative platform for voicing opinions out rather than letting them be the ruling party. So you needn't worry too much.

precisely ...
How an individual fare with a certain group of people at a given time cannot determine his future success or failure.It is not good to pre-determine someone just because of the past experiences he gained. For example,if someone has no choice but to go to ITE,does it mean he cannot buck up his idea and eventually goto NUS? i don't think so right. Every party has their stories to tell,including SDP and the ruling party now. So it is only fair to give mr.kenneth a chance. Give peace a chance. Just because someone is badly treated doesn't mean he is not a good leader. Two sides to every coin,dude.
dont vote the candidate bcoz JB was in it .... vote for what the party stands for and what they can do as an alternative voice

Kinda reminds me of the current Tin Pei Ling VS Nicole Seah problem ongoing now. Both are good candidates, but to vote them based on superficial things like "prettiness" and such is a disgrace to democracy, in my honest opinion...
like I said ... politic is a dirty game .... but lets give the fella a chance

To be honest, I once attended a forum where he was speaking, and he confidently said that his party could make up the new government should the PAP lose power. That is, of course, before the mass exodus of members. To hear him say that, then lose everyone a couple of days later didn't strike well.

Fair enough, though. We shall see whether the voters trust him enough to elect him, and whether he can give us Singaporeans a better life. There is no doubt he is a good candidate, but gut feeling tells me that he may be better off as an independent, somehow.. =/
This time round, my vote goes to whatever Opposition party that steps into my GRC. Sorry PAPies, you ain't doing a good job no more with your million dollar salaries...
Btw Mr GCT, where is our Swiss standard of living?? The only swiss I have till now is my Swiss army knife ...duh...
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I will vote for the 4th generation A team, not some 1st generation B team or C team. Will people buy iPhone 1 or iPhone 4? The choice is clear. The A team has done good to welcome new citizens from China, because Singaporeans have become less hard driving and hard striving as noted by the father of Singapore MM Lee. We need more new citizens to grow the country to 6.5 million people. When 6.5 million is reached, we can consider 10 million. We have no choice, because Singaporeans are not procreating enough to even replace themselves. With more people, we will have a stronger and more vibrant country. So I will continue to support the A team.
we need more space for more people. the transport system needs to cater to more people as well.

Not to worry, more HDB flats and more MRT stations are in the pipeline. This is all well planned by the A team, who look forward many years ahead to bring us more good years ahead.
Politics used to be of no interest to me before, and that's what I did at the last GE, voted for the "A team" as all my life, the media has precived that all is good with the PAP. Now five years down the road, our GST has increased (and will increase more), housing cost went up, medical bills soared. The A team is suppose to solve all this problems and many more, but instead they created new ones. Not to mention the overbudget of YOG and the escape of Mas Selamat, the most wanted fugative in our eyes. How can they call themselves the A team?
If they want the singaporeans to reporoduce themselves, get to the root of the problem, reduce housing cost and medical expenses and increase pay. Oh but wait, they cant do that because they need to replenish our reserves when temasek lost $39 billion which depleated in investments from our money. Don't we have our MM, SM and president to advise an forcast whats going to happen ? Obama only earns US$400,000/ year, yet is in-charge of a superpower, where else our 4 head of states each earns a whopping US$3million and cant see a tidal wave coming.

So the choice is not clearly the 4th generation "A team" at all. When i vote for a party, they are supposed to listen to the citizens feedback and problems, and not merely dissmiss them as "noises" (as quoted by minister Lui Tuck Yu, citizen's feedback = noises). The opp do have capable people in their ranks, its just that the mainstream media, owned by the ruling party downplays them . Like they say, its dirty politics, and the ruling party has the upper hand at that. So this time round, im giving the opps a chance, to at least hear out the people.
Not to worry, more HDB flats and more MRT stations are in the pipeline.

i'm not worrying. i am seeing the government making efforts to address the situation (it's their job, this one) but they don't quite hit the target. providing more might be the answer but it's not the solution.
Not to worry, more HDB flats and more MRT stations are in the pipeline. This is all well planned by the A team, who look forward many years ahead to bring us more good years ahead.

Whats the point of building more flats, if the price of a unit is out of reach to the typical singaporean? a five room flat costs abt S$200k in 2002, now costs around S$400k.
A newly wed couple say got married at the age of 30,wanted to buy a five room now. If husband and wife is earning at $2500 per month, they will have to service their flat for the rest of the 30 year loan, until they are at age 60,leaving little in their CPF ordinary account. Mr Mah Bow Tan said its still affordable. Is he kidding? The PM suggested to raise the reitrement age to 68, once again depriving us of our savings. At that age, what can we work as? cleaners? its filled with fit and younger foreign workers. Thats why people are afraid to get married, they rather keep their CPF to themselves and live with their parents (provided the flat's 99 year lease is not up!). Or mr Khaw boon wan has a solution, to dump old folks in a retirement home in JB!! So much for an A team with its solutions!!

Yes there are more mrt stations and new lines slated to open till 2018, where the trains will finally ply to JB via woodlands. Since the Mrt and upgrading of flats are a National Program funded by the government from revenues collected from all SIngaporeans,it will still proceed even if it falls to the opposition ward.
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