Custom made pickguard

Ok new pics! new proj! hopefully Simon gets to see this! :)

original ERG121

After routing a custom white single lam pickguard

and the queue list also have changed.. check it out

feel free 2 post any qns back here or email me! :)

really impressive stuff man! Haha like now the stuff i'd drool over the custom guitar sites is actually happening in Singapore!! alrite!

Suddenly my stickered hamer feels... inferior :oops: haha.

All the best for your business! gonna check out ur site now :D
alaineth said:

really impressive stuff man! Haha like now the stuff i'd drool over the custom guitar sites is actually happening in Singapore!! alrite!

Suddenly my stickered hamer feels... inferior :oops: haha.

All the best for your business! gonna check out ur site now :D

almost correct.. that guy copied other's idea too.. let me show u where i copied mine from :twisted:
well erm nope.. will take me more than juz 2 days bro.. :lol:
relax! good things got to wait.. rite? 2day i whole day work as a support for my brother.. he got into superband top 18 groups! so happy for him!
ok guyz! lets take a look at tany's guitar after plastic surgery!

The moment when she was striped naked!Ready for ops!

Her new pickguard was carefully cut out.Its a custom fit!

Then... she realise it needs some handle and pups holes..


After the operation... smooth, no side effects found :D



and.. as she sits with the rest of my creations..

Well its requested by tany that i need not do any colouring for the inside of the monkey grip as he is going 2 repaint the whole axe.. As for the rest who needs me 2 do a customization for them you can always refer to my webby for price guide but the bad news is that i am going oversea training for the whole month of march... :cry: just email me your requirements.. i'll do your masterpiece once i get back to singapore :wink:
yeah there is this guy tt wants me to do the vine design tt i had on his mirror pickguard.. sure i can do on ur original pickguard :)

hey tany.. juz use pliers and screw drivers can remove le ma... heehee

but hey guys dun 4get i am nt free for march ok?
sorry for inconviniece ..
depending on the design u want.. the complexity and such.. depending on how much work i'll need 2 do and what tools and skill are involved ba.. dun worry tt much.. u gt 1 mth to save some spare cash for this
haha :)