Combined SOFT Jam No. 2

ur most welcome piano_ex n jay_clones, kip e good playin comin!
yup, 1 backin track yet a whole lot of different styles n note arrangements, sumtimes e impossible sounds n playin made possible wen u tink of e untinkables. hehe... it reali shows juz how wide a musical journey can be. 2 thumbs up 4 evri1 who alreadi jammed it up. :D whoa, lotsa new improvisations coming in but i haven't get e chance 2 listen 2 it all, mebbe 2nite after im done wit werk. but i've heard paulo's n yup, u sure do hv dat melodic touches n great technique 4 e 1min 23secs backin track brudder. i reali like e way u pan ur soloing frm right n left channels coz it definitely blends in2 it! salutes 2 ur playin n definitely 2 ur guitar soundings. :wink:
likewise jay_clones mentioned, e singapore version of crossroad sounds awesomely awesome. :D
Hi ob, glad you liked it. The guitar is a one-of-a-kind - it's a Fender Spacecaster. Made in the late 60's to commemorate the American exploration into space. It was made for a special guitarists, Dizzy Starbugs. All the effects are on-board. Rumour has it that it was made by Rio Fendinander - the half-brother of the now famous Leo Fender. The rumour went into details of how Rio was fed psychotic drugs; missed his drug test and was thrown into Alcatraz where his now defunk [sic] body lies. :lol:

Ok. Here's the low down. The guitar is a MiM Strat - no whammy installed. Gadgets are a Line6 UX2 Toneport. Effects usesd are a Stomp, Reverb, Chorus, and a Compressor. I used the bridge pickup. If you have the UX2, let me know and I can send you the settings file.

To get the spacey sound, only downstrokes were used. I guess upstrokes only will also work. Additionally, hitting the strings at an angle helps - almost like a semi pinch harmonic push on the strings. Lastly, it works well with the bassier strings, closer to the neck - tougher tension helps here.

Oi, bro trueblue bro, Lorong 9 is the one with the more famous beef hor fun... unless you prefer the one across the road at Lorong 8. The beef and the other meat...

Aging Bro really? But all this history is irelevant to me.
i realised the porkchop is not as good as the other stuff and mein sold out b4 i had a chance to attack hai. There is always next time.
i realised the porkchop is not as good as the other stuff and mein sold out b4 i had a chance to attack hai. There is always next time.

They always sell out very early these days. Tamade...

Bro, where's your contribution of the jam, bro ciel bro?
wah lao eh !!!!! i dun want to play liao lah !!!!! im going to be murdered if i join in the fun sial hahahaha!!! paul and slowish ~~~ you guys king liao loh like that :cry:
Hey marc,

That was some killer stuff man. Looks like your playing is back. Don't forget we're supposed to do that collab jam also and you were suppose to record first.
looks like i'll be the only keys posting here . heres my take (sequenced though) Hahaha. using the organ patch XD.

tera .... u're not the only one ... hahahahaa =)...
i've posted one before .... not sequence though ... so it's not as clean as urs ...

but urs is niceee also!! =) ... haha ...

and our opening aproach is kinda same .....

yay! at last i'm not the only keys ..... =)[/quote]