Hi ob, glad you liked it. The guitar is a one-of-a-kind - it's a Fender Spacecaster. Made in the late 60's to commemorate the American exploration into space. It was made for a special guitarists, Dizzy Starbugs. All the effects are on-board. Rumour has it that it was made by Rio Fendinander - the half-brother of the now famous Leo Fender. The rumour went into details of how Rio was fed psychotic drugs; missed his drug test and was thrown into Alcatraz where his now defunk [sic] body lies. :lol:
Ok. Here's the low down. The guitar is a MiM Strat - no whammy installed. Gadgets are a Line6 UX2 Toneport. Effects usesd are a Stomp, Reverb, Chorus, and a Compressor. I used the bridge pickup. If you have the UX2, let me know and I can send you the settings file.
To get the spacey sound, only downstrokes were used. I guess upstrokes only will also work. Additionally, hitting the strings at an angle helps - almost like a semi pinch harmonic push on the strings. Lastly, it works well with the bassier strings, closer to the neck - tougher tension helps here.