Combined SOFT Jam No. 2

ahahah ... i must agree .... and there's really tooo many track to listen now .. if people just open this thread now .... lolx =)
OMG!!!!!!! marco!!!!! i love ur playing la.. think i have told u tht like dunno sice when and as usual u are so unwilling to teach me some tricks!! muahahaha~~~ jus kidding... but bro its killer and i really love it. come back and play LIVE!!!! let me steal some licks!!!
Yo Simon! ur too kind, too kind. like i always tell u, wat i know you already know ballz where got licks for u to steal?
ya rte~~~~ theres many licks to steal from u lo!! especially those fusion licks.... yummylicious.... haha.. man inspired by u yet again!!!!
and bro... dun say until ly i den pro leh... i have lotssssssssssssss to learn.. playing still needs to work on it!!!! thts why i ask u ma... ahahhahaa!!

Hey Jay_Clones,
Finally I get down to do reviewing... :lol:

Lets see... I like how you do the melodic thingy, its like what Satriani would go for I suppose. A bit shaky here and there but that's alright since I get the vibe you aren't familiar with this style of playing? Not many of us can sit down and practice till we're uber smooth with a variety of styles.

I'm not a fan of your vibrato, I thought its too urgent thru-out the improv. Its like this:
I can imagine ur vibrato in a slow blues song, now that would and could send shivers down my spine. I don't listen to a lot of music, but there was a live track that BB King played and it had one note that did that to me, just that one note. And vibrato similiar to what you are doing.

I like the way you do ur bends during the chorus, and @ 0:45 (and other spots) the way you raked the strings - nuances that should NOT go un-noticed, very cool.

1:10 has a chromatic lick that is just... beautiful. I really like that! I can't really tell if it was a slide chromatic or pull-offs but Djjango (sp) had a chromatic techique he favoured using slides - very difficult but different sounding.

Nice ideas, I think the key word for you right now if you want to explore this kind of playing is:


Dooood, where's the massive amounts of beautiful swirling delay?! Yeah, i like the space u left but space left can be filled with the same notes u are playing, just delayed. Heh.

That said, I would think that your improv isn't in line with the vibe of the backing... but a fast-ish rock-ish track with less funk elements could do it!
Wow.. lotta good players here

Here's my take .. took a break from muggin and decided to record this.. Also a good reason to try out my new Silicon Fuzz made by a pal for me..

There is a fuzz in there? Nice... I love the harmonics it generates when you sustain the note, and that sort-of-ring-mod-effect when you play 2 notes or more.

At the time u recorded this, weren't you mugging for FLY too? Hahaha...

Several out notes, like @ 0:23, 0:26 and so on but I think its because you tried to do a repeated motiff but that backing isn't that straightforward, until the chorus that is.

I like the that echo-ish effect you had.. its cool, out of place but cool. Good way to make people ear up to your playing.
:D Nice, I like the way you do detailed reviews. I bet you learn a lot through this process as well.

Hahahaha.. mugging for FLY?? :lol: We were pure lucky .. we didnt expect so many of our fans to turn up :lol:

Ooh yes, thats the part I love about the fuzz.. I am not a fan of fuzz and will never be, its something like salt, which I add to taste. I told this friend of mine about this and he designed this one for me.

Its something like the CE-2, a light effect... This ones a very light fuzz effect but rich in harmonics and also doubles up with a signal an octave higher. Add Fuzz to taste :D

Well, you wont believe it , but I left my pedals in the cab when I got back home from F.L.Y... :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: Stupid cab company unable to track the cab. :(.. Its an awful feeling to play guitar without your beloved pedals. Im calling them every half an hour though...
Yo Shredcow

Thank u soo much the detailed like it.
U're spot on abt my playing..I like shredding(not that I'm good) and playing those Satch influence style is a bit new to me.
That chromatic scale is done using alternate picking.

A Happy & Properous Chinese New Year to U, bro !!!!
Jay_Clones, no problem. Just gotta be careful that I don't end up treading on other's toes - others who would strive to call the critic out to walk his talk. In-ane-ism.

musiomaniac, this one was from a music magazine, Guitar Techniques I believe.

It isnt over is it? Oh man I really wanna try this! The backing track is s Cool! I wanna try!

I wanna chance to blow peoples minds!

Piano-ex! Still reaching John Lord style. Getting there hehe. But I must say i love your playing. Your my kinda style. Could I solo over your new backing? hehe