CAVEvents Apology For 17th March

Hey Agingyouth, your name's william, right? i mean that's what i gathered when i hear people call you willy. If you would be so kind as to tell me your contact details, i'll send you whatever it is you need. What details would you like included in the profile you wish to have sent to you?
Law of doing business: W.I.I.I.F.M.


Apparently, GasHaus didn't see the benefits of holding the gig in question without implementing a first drink charge. Please see the logic in this as it will apply to every gig that CAVEvents shall organise in future. All the best in your endeavours.

*sidenote: I've attended and played in gigs at GasHaus many times and it doesn't take a sharp eye to notice that there are a lot of people at the gigs but nobody buying drinks from the counter.

Contrast this to the other gigging venues at nightspots like Insomnia, Thumper, Barnone where the audience has larger spending power.

I'm sorry to say that gigs for the local music scene will usually consist of an audience who are younger and are not willing to spend $12 on a beer or $8 on a glass of coke from the counter. Due to this situation, the location would not be making much income from drinks sales. One of the only viable options they have left is to implement a first drink charge.
Hey guys.

The purpose of this topic is not meant to start any discussion about who is right or wrong or how a venue should operate or anything of the sort.

It is for us to make a public apology for a mess-up on our behalf, and an assurance that we have learnt from our mistakes and will get back harder and stronger from this incident.

Thank you for all the input; it is great learning experience for us all. We will end this here, thank you.

Visa, Po Liang and Ahmad
Vio, you hit the target...

Jeffree here from gashaus... been watching this thread, waiting til I notice someone get it spot on...

Promoters say, "let us use your venue for free show, you can sell drinks to the fans and we can let them in free". 15 months of this, we hear customers say "Wah, I don't want to buy anything, please stop asking, I'm only here to watch free show and then go…" or even worse, 'What you mean I can't bring in my Long John Silver meal/cheap ass Breda beer from 7-11/lunch my mommy made me?"


But there is a requirement that the patrons of our venue support the venue. I'm getting quite sick of it all to be quite honest, that's why we have a first drink charge. First drink charge can be a juice, italian soda, a smoothie, a coffee, or even a beer or cocktail. Our prices are not anywhere near those of Timbre, Barnone, Home, yet people still complain when they come into my place of business and have to buy something. You wanna know cheap, listen to this conversation.

"What special you have?

"Bottle of Belgian beer, $5"

"Five dollars? I can get a beer at 7-11 for $3!"

What you think the Gashaus is, some community centre or government linked company? You think LKY swings by here and hands over sacks of cash on karaoke mondays? You're quite wrong. You wonder why there are not so many places trying to support the scene, when the scene don't even support places where bands can get exposure? Even at Ben & Jerry's you'd have to buy something to sit down. You seriously think it's ok for your fans to just come, "hey free show!" and breeze out and you say we're killing the scene? HA!

Would it be so much better if there was no Gashaus? Answer me that.

Seriously... where are the grown-ups in this scene?? Coz all I see are a bunch of whiny brats looking for a free hand out and complaining all the time that they aren't getting even more for free. Makes me sick.

I would like to mantain that it should still be in fact considered a free show- meaning the patrons that day did not pay for the show- the promoters and bands were not paid a single cent.

gas haus as a venue has every right to impose a first drink charge.

it is another issue altogether. when looking at it in perspective; it shouldn't be considered an issue at all. if people weren't fed up and frustrated and left, we wouldn't have to apologize- after all, I believe the people who did pay and stay would agree with me that it was a great show that night.
CAVEvents, Pull your head out!

This is not directed at Visa... but to the other tards.

Some facts that might help you dislodge it:

QUOTE: WE HAD A PRE-AGREEMENT THAT THE EVENT WAS TO BE FREE FOR ALL and no cover charge was supposed to be in place on that night.

FACT: There was no cover charge.

QUOTE: E.g. the crowd buys drinks from gashaus and they will profit from those drinks and we get to use the venue for free to hold a good gig with a nice crowd.

FACT: The first drink charge ensures that what you agreed is true.

QUOTE: it was a rash last minute decision on their part.

FACT: Gashaus has had a first drink charge for over a month now during free entry events. Luke or Riz did not make it up at the last minute.

QUOTE: the cover charge was for 1 complimentary drink.

FACT: The first drink charge was for the customer's first (and usually ONLY) drink. There was no complimentary drink or cover charge.

QUOTE: well gashaus did not provide us a proper explaination although they simply said that it was complusory for first drink, the cover charge was for a first drink. but from there, one could infer that it was because they were running losses and simply cannot be bothered with the reputation of organizers.

FACT: The proper explanation is that this is a business. Customers are what keep us in business. You need to stop calling it a cover charge. A cover charge is for the band/organiser. The first drink charge is for the first drink. Get it straight.

QUOTE: i mean. im not saying anything but i feel very scapegoated right now as they have tarnished our name from putting the cover charge for first drink. and it is damaging to our reputation but it is no loss to them as they obviously have none to begin with. so it goes like. heck the organizer, let him get all the gunfire and we'll just run away with the cash.

FACT: You have the reputation of a 12 year old. Nothing that anyone takes too seriously, and nothing that would enable you to open your own 6,000 sq ft live music venue in the city centre. Any tarnish on your name is beyond our cause, but if you want to take a shot at the gashaus, let check the track record (which by the way, does not involve "just running away with the cash") although $110 over the bar might seem like a lot on your allowance, trust me, it might just pay the electric bill that day.

QUOTE: we saw the warnings but we were simply trying to make it a better place and change peoples mindset about it..

FACT: You're a tool.

QUOTE: you apparently have to buy a drink to step into Gas Haus now, regardless of whether there is a show or not.

FACT: We are a business and not a community centre. Tell me what venues in Singapore you can go sit in for a few hours without buying something? Even Cold Storage will kick you out after a couple hours.

QUOTE: I have SMSes in my phone from Sherry, and they went like this: "is it ok if we share 2 bucks on each ticket?"

FACT: When Sherry offered you $2 of the first drink charge, that was to support your efforts, and you turned it down. So you did know during the sms exchange that there was going to be a drink charge. It's automatic that if there is no cover, there's a first drink charge. As a policy for over a month, as a practice over half a year.

QUOTE: we have made the prior arrangements beforehand and they simply screwed us over with their door charge.

FACT: Again, there was no "door charge" Customers were free to come in and enjoy the gig, but they have to BE CUSTOMERS. Period.

QUOTE: we had preagreed on it and confirmed it again on the day itself. so if it's so that it happened and whomever it concerns is undergoing hell it is not on our part that the mistake was committed. DON'T PROMISE WHAT YOU CANT DELIVER.

FACT: See your own quote above "E.g. the crowd buys drinks from gashaus and they will profit from those drinks and we get to use the venue for free to hold a good gig with a nice crowd." DON'T PROMISE WHAT YOU CANT DELIVER.

now is this thread dead?
Since we know GasHaus is not a community centre, let's just not try our luck for free gigs from now on yes?(You need to pay for community centre btw) Because if we still try to have free gigs in GasHaus, they won't make money and very soon, there prolly won't be anymore GasHaus? :wink:

And it is very true, about what GH has mentioned, going in with outside food and stuff. Good example would be "B'n'J". You can't sit there for hours without buying something.

Moral of the story for organisers? If you want free venues, look for others. But if you're prepared for cover charge or at least, in GH's point of view, "A cover charge to cover the electricity bills", then go ahead.

PS: Don't forget, GH is not supported by a charitable organisation. Good job with the LKY.

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