CAVEvents Apology For 17th March

i was refering to the smses sent to sherry. You have probably unnecessarily and unintentionally implicated her..
now you made look like its her fault for the ugly incident because she gives u the ok for the no cover charge.
i'm guessing, shes prolly have to answer to her angry boss, and also the unhappy people who were told there were no cover charge.
She's prolly worse off then CAVE right now..
its avoidable dont you think so?

boss screw up is one thing, but imho its possible do alot of stuff prior to the event control or minimise the extent of the damage.

TAYLOR.u dont have any business here.all you do is show people how bad your language is.People make mistakes and in this case no one saw the charge coming,not CAVE nor any of the bands. I suggest you stop making such a big fuss over something that cannot be undone and go and join ure friends for a sing-a-long session.All you do is talk crap while people are working their way up to make a name for themselves and other local bands alike..

[edited by SOFT]
5 bux also want to complain!! hahahaha... knn
but the organisers state that it is free.. And plus not a single cent went into their pockets. Lets say i tell you i give you a guitar. bass, amp or pedal.. You'll prolly get all excited and happy. Then when i meet you, i demand 5 bucks from you. Or a thousand bucks from you.. How would you feel? And normally people complain about stuff is because they don't wish for it to happen again etc etc...
im sorry for disturbing the, errrr 'conversation'. but i cant help it but raise an eyebrow/laugh at the amount of teenage angst going on here in soft. *oooooooooooooh* hee hee
whats there to talk about now ? the problem is solved. cave apologised. people , stop flaming each other and start unnecessary arguments. get a life.

but there is one thing which i agree with kerplunk182. " NEVER GIG AT GAS HAUS EVER AGAIN ".
this thread is about cave apologising when it was actually gashaus's fault. Not for flaming and making racist remarks about other people and playing with themselves, wanking etc etc if you want to do that please create another thread which would most prolly get locked...
cave , don't stop. singapore needs more organisers like you. more free shows ! :twisted: yumyum. make great bands known ! organise greater events at BETTER VENUES ! till then. all the best people :twisted:
Once And For All !

This case is over ! No Point pointing finger. It gets to nowhere!

GasHaus Is Not A Place to GIG!



They are bringing down the scene and Malu the organizer.


Is gashaus have ILL intention on Cave? hmmm.....
CAVE you guys are nothing but awesome awesome.:)
im sure before starting CAVE you guys knew that there were gonna be highs and lows.Well this is just one of the many problems not only you but other organizers would have to overcome along the way in being successful and recognized.:).you know im behind you all the really proud of you.
please don't argue anymore. and it is okay. let taylorboy think what he can side sherry as much as you want. or gashaus for that matter but doing that will only encourage dishonesty among organizers/venues.
Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 7:32 pm Post subject:


i was refering to the smses sent to sherry. You have probably unnecessarily and unintentionally implicated her..
now you made look like its her fault for the ugly incident because she gives u the ok for the no cover charge.
i'm guessing, shes prolly have to answer to her angry boss, and also the unhappy people who were told there were no cover charge.
She's prolly worse off then CAVE right now..
its avoidable dont you think so?

boss screw up is one thing, but imho its possible do alot of stuff prior to the event control or minimise the extent of the damage.

in reply to hifi_killer. we have made the prior arrangements beforehand and they simply screwed us over with their door charge. we had preagreed on it and confirmed it again on the day itself. so if it's so that it happened and whomever it concerns is undergoing hell it is not on our part that the mistake was committed. DON'T PROMISE WHAT YOU CANT DELIVER. if they had been honest enough about the cover charge before we did the event we'd be able to either reject the request or continue with the event. but promising what you cant deliver simply screws up other peoples reputation and wastes peoples money and time.
mm... CAVE, i think you shouldn't be angry on gashau... both parties is at fault... you are at fault because u didn't make sure everything is legally bonded and they can do whatever they like if you can't provide proof on any contracts. by saying DON'T PROMISE WHAT YOU CAN'T DELIVER is the same is saying yourself, you promise the crowd that the gigs is free but you can't delivered due to the lack of communications. if you think is unethical for them to charge the amount, why don't you make the call to cancel the events to avoid this finger pointing saga to happen?

Like i say, you guys have done a good jobs so far... everybody know you're working hard... but to engage in more finger pointing and revealing private conversation is just not very ethical too. forget about this and move on.

Been reading the posts n all I can say is learn from mistakes n move on..arguing here n there till some conspiracy theories pop up will only add more fuel to the fire..its time to exhaust the flames..

All the best..CAVE..: )
Live and learn CAVE, welcome to the real world of DGOing when you get shafted by venue owners and even other truly dodgy event organisers :D I got screwed over by [happily defunct] venue owners before :D and heard many horror stories about working with event organisers :)

Just make sure you get black and white next time :)

dodgy venues ... don't they just make your blood boil? :)
Hey, it's bboy2388! The doode who inspired the latest catchphrase! He makes my blood boil!!! I MIGHT have something for The Sexies. You have a better profile than what's on your MySpace?

bro AvonRellets bro, you know our story with the Indian pub lah. The turning point of 3 innocent, beer-guzzling, chain-smoking individuals to 3 dodgy, beer-guzzling, chain-smoking individuals. It's quite a sad one...

Trust me lah, CavEvents, your story is quite a small issue. Try not to blow it up. You haven't kena tuahed right at the last minute with 6 events hovering over your head yet.
yeah ....i remember begging the pub next door when we found our venue mysteriously shut down hours before the scheduled gig :lol:
Heh. It's funny to look back now lah. At that moment in time, I'm sure your balls were on fire. Not the goot sense lah. :lol:

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