Semantics, semantics, semantics. What is a cover charge? "first drink fee" + a cut for organisers right?
The issue is not whether a venue should charge a cover charge/entry fee/first drink charge at the door. That point is moot. Every venue in Singapore should do so for band performances because, lets face it, we are cheapskates. Can get away with free this and free that, we do. If people bring in their own drinks and food into a cafe that sells drinks and food, simply put, thats bloody bad upbringing. If you won't do that in a swanky restaurant, what makes you think you can do so at GH? It's sad when venues have to enforce a "No outside food/drinks" rule, machiam a teacher asking kindergarten children to line up properly and put finger on lips.
Venue owners EXPECT the audience to be "automatic" and at least get one drink, but thats never the case in Singapore. Who suffers? Gig organisers and potential ones. They get caught between a jaded venue owner and an indifferent audience. This is called supporting the scene ah? Tsk.
The issue here is that CAVE intepreted that there would be no charges whatsoever on the part of the audience coming for the show and thus advertised the show as such.
Obviously that is not the case, as stated by GH management. So now that Jeffree has stated the GH's side, it is pretty clear to me it was a gabra on CAVE's part for not reading the fine print properly. This is all part of the learning process. Pity you had to make it so public, live and learn!
Oh and btw, you guys just starting out and already burning your bridges so quickly with a declaration like "we are not going to hold/assist any events at gashaus in the future." :lol: power la.