CAVEvents Apology For 17th March

Like that, how to save the local music scene?

The whole thing about music being universal is bollocks. Sure the appreciation is free and universal. But the acquiring of it is not. It's broken down into segments and people who have the dough to dish out for the music, be it a physical end product or a ticketed event.
Semantics, semantics, semantics. What is a cover charge? "first drink fee" + a cut for organisers right? :D

The issue is not whether a venue should charge a cover charge/entry fee/first drink charge at the door. That point is moot. Every venue in Singapore should do so for band performances because, lets face it, we are cheapskates. Can get away with free this and free that, we do. If people bring in their own drinks and food into a cafe that sells drinks and food, simply put, thats bloody bad upbringing. If you won't do that in a swanky restaurant, what makes you think you can do so at GH? It's sad when venues have to enforce a "No outside food/drinks" rule, machiam a teacher asking kindergarten children to line up properly and put finger on lips. :)

Venue owners EXPECT the audience to be "automatic" and at least get one drink, but thats never the case in Singapore. Who suffers? Gig organisers and potential ones. They get caught between a jaded venue owner and an indifferent audience. This is called supporting the scene ah? Tsk. :D :D

The issue here is that CAVE intepreted that there would be no charges whatsoever on the part of the audience coming for the show and thus advertised the show as such.

Obviously that is not the case, as stated by GH management. So now that Jeffree has stated the GH's side, it is pretty clear to me it was a gabra on CAVE's part for not reading the fine print properly. This is all part of the learning process. Pity you had to make it so public, live and learn!

Oh and btw, you guys just starting out and already burning your bridges so quickly with a declaration like "we are not going to hold/assist any events at gashaus in the future." :lol: power la.
Want a gig where your "fans" get to listen to your music without having to pay a single cent?

Here are 3 solutions for you:

1. Hold the performance outdoor busker style, pay to get a busking license or a permit to perform on that day. ie: YOU HAVE TO PAY.

2. Join a band competition or gig that is held outdoors. The overheads for this event is usually high with each band having to fork out between $50 to $100 to perform on stage. ie: YOU HAVE TO PAY.

3. Join a indoor gig where audience is assured free entry. No first drink, no cover charge, walk straight in and listen without having to pay. Bands playing will have to chip in to rent the place for the event. ie: YOU HAVE TO PAY.

Anything else that the bands don't need to pay, THE AUDIENCE WILL PAY.

(Exceptions of this is if the band is already well-known and is invited to play and maybe get paid to play. We're talking about supporting the budding bands here.)
soft: maybe df would like to open a venue for us to gig in?

Maybe soft would like to find me a band first?
Just in case anyone in these forums have forgotten. Free gigs for bands and audience were done for the whole of last year till Feb 2007, by none other than Mr Heartrock Singapore (Mr Anthony).

In counting more than 30 gigs done on prime time Sat evenings till night, at prime location Marine Cove (East coast Macdonalds).

So where were all of you guys then, who are bitchin now?? Did you even bother to go support as performers, volunteers or even audiences?? (Kudos to those who did support in anyway, but sadly the support overall were grossly insufficent)

Venue provided, equipment provided, and the guys who made it happen spending time and money on your behalf. Who appreciated that??

Bands come, some performin in good faith, many as though you owe to them for performing. Also I can tell, many bands simply taking advantage of this free gig for their own benefit and purpose, is this ethically right?

I dare say if just 10% of the bands who had performed at Y'East before, had put their full support to the local music movement (as in volunteer time and effort). Growth would have being possible. Such immature acts as seen in soft forums, could have reduced. Sad to say, as an observer, I can see, is becoming more widespread and rampant instead.

So you tell me, are we moving forward or not??

Mikemann! You are a hero and an inspiration!
I know exactly what you're talking about... I guess it only took 16 month, but I'm a jaded venue owner now. What gets me is these punk wannabes slagging us, thinking we only wanna 'run away with the cash" or "only care about the money coming in" while they posture and pose like the wannabes they are.
In grown-up land, (ie, as far as I can see, outside Singapore) people don't refuse to support the places where gigs are held, as they know what the loss of a venue does to the scene. And they definately support free gigs like Y'East, which I went to check out briefly just by accident, coz I was down East Coast that day. They just want their cake and to eat it too.
And to all the biotches who whine "don't go to gashaus" and "find another venue" I hope you will, coz I'm right sick of you hiding behind your keyboards wingeing, and never have courage to say anything in person... just gossip gossip behind back like some sour auntie... you know who I'm talking about. You passive-aggressive little babies who think it's cool to vandalise the equipment, steal cables and guitar straps, break strings and cymbals and the jacks in the amps, who tell your friends not to buy anything in front of our waitstaffs faces, who bitch and moan about the place, yet still come in.


And cavinvents, you seem suspicously quite now that i refuted your BS. What happen, you die choking on your own words?
there is nothing much left to say. we wish GH the best of luck and we have respect for what you guys provide.

this was meant to be an apology on our behalf for not delivering what we had promised; not a discussion about the venue.

actions will speak louder than words; see you guys at Eruption @ Honeytrapp.


Chang Po Liang

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