
wth loss in the front end? nothing is lost. nothing to restore. just experiment. turn those knobs.

shredcow n gsonique. u guys suk. dont get advice from these fellas. they will try their best to confuse u. mislead u. they r not able to give sincere honest opinions here. soft shld kill them.

HA ...i think i got the 'cable guy' mad !!

So buddy what knobs buddy ? Whts that ? No high lost no low ...lost ?
Experiment ??

You got huge stock of *crappy cables* to clear? opps sorry ?

I dont hide in this forum ...people know me and where i am at !!!
I can walk the talk ....can you ??

....kiss my black ass *audio* !!
ofcourse technically speaking.. gsonique is right to say that something loss in front cannot be recreated at the end.

Personally ive only been concerned with what comes out at the speaker side. If its not to taste... i do what audio does.. i tweak the EQ on the amp... or nowadaes i tweak my BBE sonic stomp to taste.

a good cable to me doesnt have to be 100% transparent, i cant hear a difference between my old dimarzio cable to my old planet waves to my current canare gs-6 cables.

i liked my sound... mainly due to my amps.. pedals.. guitars.. the cable was the least important in my tone hierarchy. All i want from my cable is for it to be strong and durable, easy to coil back after use, easy to repair if it ever spoiled and not too expensive.
Yes ChanMin ....but if its possible to improve the front end including you guitar set up ...go for will enjoy good tone.

Lots of complains from customer's i receive is that their guitar is 'dark' !!

I didn'y buy this cable mojo until i heard one ... :D
TO ME, nothing is lost. dats how the cable sounds like. just like guitar. its all about whether or not u like the tone.

i might like the tone but u might not. so u r telling me i need to improve my tone / restore something that is lost? cable is just another factor that affect tone.

like i said, compare direct to amp and pedalboard setup using the same cable. what front end do u get now?

dats just MHO.
All i am saying is "try your best not to loose front end as it is much required" and yes you are right it's up to individual taste.

I do gear mods and repairs ...and the most common complain i receive is "my guitar sounds dull and dark" it was my intention to advice some improvement on the *cable* area ...IF POSSIBLE !!

There are nice improvements on the guitar as well, which i have suggested /applied to numerous people and the majority are from this forum.

F'more why spend money on gadgets when a *good* cable *of choice* gives !

I was a skeptic myself till i heard *those* quality cables can do ...thus my sharing voice here ....period!

well read for yourself......

Next time please ...don't hit me ...its annoying! :?
shredcow n gsonique. u guys suk. dont get advice from these fellas. they will try their best to confuse u. mislead u. they r not able to give sincere honest opinions here. soft shld kill them.

Hahaha... Goose, bro, did you see this? Hahahaha...

TO ME, nothing is lost. dats how the cable sounds like. just like guitar. its all about whether or not u like the tone.

i might like the tone but u might not. so u r telling me i need to improve my tone / restore something that is lost? cable is just another factor that affect tone.

like i said, compare direct to amp and pedalboard setup using the same cable. what front end do u get now?

dats just MHO.

And coming from a person who... doesn't... really know what's going on... hmmm... cables are like guitars... hahaha...

Okay. Its in your HONEST OPINION.

Walk the talk and let us have our HONEST OPINION since you are so... into the post-moderistic thing. Walk your talk and leave us be.
screw you all!!!! its all about the cable capacitance!!!

do some reading lah. i dunno mention about cable capacitance on soft dunno how many times already.
TO ME, nothing is lost. dats how the cable sounds like. just like guitar. its all about whether or not u like the tone.

When I watch tv at my friend's house and the picture is fuzzy, I don't go "HOLY CRAP DUDE YOUR TV SUCKS." or "HOLY CRAP MEDIACORP SENDS SUCKY SIGNALS"

I go "Hey something is wrong with your antennae or the cable or something."

Which is what they are trying to explain. They hear something lacking in the sound, and they have checked both the amp side and the guitar side, and have found the problem to be in the cable (ala your tv reception).

TV is easy to imagine cos you can see it with your eyes. Sound is a little different.

Or maybe a fuzzy tv signal is "part of how my tv show looks like. nothing is lost. Is just how I wanna watch my shows."
i miss those days when i had a crap TV and a crap portable antenna...

those grainy VR Man shows were DA FUZZ!!! got MOJO, got CHARACTER!
Oh well.

Audio probably wouldn't get it... its like that when you are bias-ed again someone...

Audio probably would never buy/try Goose's wonderful pedals too... or go to him for his mojotistic guitar electronics...

What a sad waste...