
"Hehehe... so funny. Planet Waves - people having issues with their reliability, valid concerns, and apparently, can't share about it lah, gotta be nice."

1) It's not funny.

2) It's perfectly fine to share issues or good stuff abt gear you've tried, nobody is disputing that. It's just HOW IT'S DONE. This is the umpteenth time ppl have been trying to tell you this. Is it really that difficult to do?
flame on boys, flame on..


whats wrong with the higher end PW cables? ive been using the circuit breakers for quite a long time already, no problems..
Has anyone tried to restore lost high high high end? Like say you use el cheapo cables, or the free ones you get when you buy guitar from Swee Lee, those that suck out treble. Is it ... easy to restore that natural sparkle? Can it be done?

It's not easy, but it can be done. The BBE Sonic Stomp does a good job of this IMO.
The circuit breaker planet waves are ok. But after long periods of use, they stretch your jacks and other cables you use won't be able to get a proper contact with the inside. So basically, you will need to change a new jack.

Besides the bbe sonic stomp, the axess bs-2 does the job extremely well also. Plus, it has 3 outs. Can go stereo or split ur signal into one of the outs and a phase corrector for the stereo set up.
whats wrong with the higher end PW cables? ive been using the circuit breakers for quite a long time already, no problems..

Ah! Nicky baby! You got me there... my bad! I meant the cheaper PWs, not the circuit breakers.

shredcow is just an eccentric opiniated tonefreak!And I mean it in a good way!

Dude, have you seen/heard Goose's latest? Hehehe...

There be ways to restore lost high end. Yeap, buffer... that BBE Sonic stomp... using a booster type (Zvex SHO)... however, there be a school of thought, a spattering of people, who find... its not the same. It just isn't. I suppose one could go find out.

I know that if you have a harsh, bright cable? You can use a stock Epiphone LP and its heaven! 8O :twisted:
its common sense to observe whats lost in the front can NEVER be restored or replicated please save the *this pedal* can do it comment will not work ! Thanks.
wahahah this thread is hilarious...

ive been using canare gs-6, which seriously gave me no problems... unlike the much "raved about" george Ls which constantly died and needed to be re-tightened... those were a complete waste of money. looked cool, but just didnt last.

if my entire setup wasnt decked out in canare GS-6, i might just buy a RDM, LAVA and PW cable to compare just to show how much i bloody care about lost high high highs and low low lows and low low low mid lows. (sounds like fightnight punch combos)

Cherns seems to be a nice guy... selling his cables which are recieving good reviews from players on this forum. thats good! best part is , he doesnt slam anything... he doesnt go like... wah ..PW omg... filth. evidence rocks.. its so transparent john mayer uses it~! Lava cables would kill PW cables anyday... etc..

if some of you guys put it nicely.. it can be accepted as your opinion. but if you do it in a untactful way.. it'll draw flak on you and you get flamed by many people. We should learn from this and learn that expressing our opinion is a privilege here... we are here to share.
I saw the mention of 'bad soldering' and I'm the first to admit that I'm totally crap at it.

Recently I made a whole bunch of patch cables myself with neutrik heads and some klotz cable (anyone who tells me this is crap due to loss of 2db of upper mid or muddiness in the 20khz range can p*ss off :)) and soldered all the plugs myself.

The question is what constitutes 'bad soldering' apart from cosmetic concerns and obviously making sure the correct bit of the wire makes the correct contact and no other? Does the amount of solder matter? Does the copper core need to touch the plug contact or will solder in between make a difference? How do I test conductance (is this even valid) is optimal once I am done?

Thanks in advance.
aiyah, just get any old cables and play lah.

This forum is so gas inducing.

There was once when I used to gig alot with so called crappy gear but hey at least I earned serious money and I enjoyed myself.

If you are afraid your cables are gonna malfunction, get spares! :evil:
its common sense to observe whats lost in the front can NEVER be restored or replicated please save the *this pedal* can do it comment will not work ! Thanks.

I always thought it's very common sense.

If your reception is causing your TV signal to be BLACK AND WHITE. Can your $10000000000000000000 super duper ultra TV set correct that?
i think from geraldkoh's reply, seems like his can :roll:

As we always end up in our discussions, in soft.....anything is possible!
to me nothing is lost. no high end or low end loss. wtf.
yes if u plug direct to amp definitely u can hear the diff btween 2 cables. its whether or not u like it. u might like it but i dont.

and also comparing like that, u tink is enuf? u might tink u like that cable when u plug direct to amp. but after u have alot of pedals (true bypass or not) chain together and all off mode, then u compare again lah. see whether or not got that so called high end or low end loss.

to me, those evidence, PW, lava and etc cables are just like your les paul, fender, ibanez or prs guitars. they have their own signature tone. its whether or not u like it. thats all. what the hell high end loss , low end loss.

can i say Fender strat got low end loss and les paul got high end loss.

wth loss in the front end? nothing is lost. nothing to restore. just experiment. turn those knobs.

shredcow n gsonique. u guys suk. dont get advice from these fellas. they will try their best to confuse u. mislead u. they r not able to give sincere honest opinions here. soft shld kill them.