
is obvious that Shredcow donch rikes my stuff....

so what can I do to make Shredcow plug my pedals....

hey that makes a great signature!! nahhh..... i rikes my current one. :lol: :twisted:
Edder, I think you do make nice pedals... i have tried your sasa-unspellable-hara before and I think it does a mean TS-ish overdrive.

But I don't rikes TS. Its... ugh. Though, maybe got hope now, coz I using one drive pedal with IC Chip *gasp!!!*

I am keen to try your new fuzz though... your design sounds like a Skreddy Screwdriver... so well, yeah...

Dunno when can try also, maybe only at the next T.A.G.S.

Easy to make me plug in to a pedal but not easy to make me keep it past 1 week...

you could switch the casing to clear plastic or glass, confirm transparent!

or maybe can try changing the sticker to goosonique.
for you Shreddy...


hahahahaha..... I've not looked at the innards of the screwdriver nor would I want to. I've stop looking at other people's pedals already for a long time. I've listened to his other famous pedal but I'll keep my comments to myself.

So.... please donch link my design with the Screwdriver hor! Later macam we riceboys can't design em pedals like that! :lol:
Aiyo, dun need to come meet me lar!!!

So inconvinient!

If you wish, can post it, I'll pay for the postage to and return.

Or I wouldn't return it if I like it.

I'm trying to stop looking overseas for some gear... I think our local builders can do as good a job as the others...
problem is its still not in production stage yet. so what you'll be testing is the prototype.

I'm fickle minded now to change the tone controls to a wider range. Current tone controls is subtle but useful. Sighs....
Release first....then look for feedback...then release second edition...look for feedback....tweak abit more ...third the time version will be driving your favorite car with woookie :lol:
bwhahahaha cannot! minimum PCB quantity for bestesterest price is 250 pieces!!!!

anyway, I won't do a Microsoft lah! :wink:
But Edder bro, bo pian.

Don't be a microsoft in that, you send out, got issues, debug like siao, STILL GOT DAMN ISSUES!!!

Just send out, and let the feedback come to you, tweak if you have to, then release to the masses!

Offer modding services should you come up with improvements, or if the improvements become too vast, i.e. Require totally new reworked PCB, then too bad for the customer.

Its a business is it not? And there is absolutely nothing wrong with releasing version 1 and so on. In fact, in the boutique pedal world, the oldies sometime possess attributes the new kids don't have... and vice versa.

Okay, so steady, can send me one or i go meet you lah. Anything can... either way, my comments will be in private to you, since ... *ahem* this is SOFT...
but what is the meaning of boutique then if I release a pedal that I'm not 100% satisfied with?

I've done that before and I won't do that again.

Its a different ball game now. Its gotta satisfy me and my ears before it gets released. Protoypes? sure... everyone will get to try out prototypes! hahaha..... but NO ONE is going to pay money for prototypes. :wink:
Its a different ball game now. Its gotta satisfy me and my ears before it gets released. Protoypes? sure... everyone will get to try out prototypes! hahaha..... but NO ONE is going to pay money for prototypes.

Orrr... okay... I didn't mean prototypes but look at... Pro Analog or Skreddy or even *gasp* Fulltone! They do release upgraded versions... and improve on the tone/circuit...

I wouldn't say ALL the boutique makers do that (unlike that over-generalised statement above) but at least they got their goods out!

Gotta release someday man! Bring it out into da open!

okay, I'll play with pre-production prototypes. :wink:
They hear something lacking in the sound, and they have checked both the amp side and the guitar side, and have found the problem to be in the cable.

y something lacking in the sound?
is it becoz dats how the cable sounds like or something wrong wif the cable?

u can say it cuts off low end, high end loss or low end loss.
but i say nothing is lost. its just how the cable sounds like. natural.
use an audio cable tester see whether the cable got problem or not.
No problem also it sounds like that. if u dont like it change to diff brand.
Hey remember what i told you at Tags abt you fuzz.... ?

I get to hear quite a bit of *bootek* pedals and my comments then to you was an honest one .... i know a good pedal 8)

If it was that good with that :roll: Loland amp ...i believe you nailed it !


If you feel it needs a bit more tweaking go ahead but just dont let the *placebo* effect get to ya :D
I already tried to explain by comparing it to video signals. If I film a movie in bright orange and blue, and you see it on your tv as yellow and green, then something is wrong.

Heck, here's another example. Buy a Japanese manga released by a hongkong or taiwan publisher. Now buy that same manga released by ChuangYi. The ChuangYi one's have poorer printing quality which results in the loss of some details. Some obvious shading in the original manga, ends up totally black in ChuangYi's version.

How bout more.
Does your voice sound exactly the same over the telephone as in real life? Probably not. What's the difference? Low end loss? Compression? If you sound like a robot over the phone, is it ok for you? Is it just how the phone service sounds like? Natural?

if u dont like it change to diff brand.
Exactly the point they have been trying to make all along.

No problem also it sounds like that
No one ever said there was a problem. Here, I'll backquote.

cow said:
PW = harsh, brittle sounding. Cuts off low end.
Compared to a Lava ELC.

If you REALLY want to get down to technicalities, then send various frequency sine waves through the cable, and measure the output. If the amplitude remains the same on all frequencies, then there's no loss. If the low frequencies have lower amplitude on the output than on the input, then you have low end loss. All you need is a signal generator and an oscilloscope, available at any engineering lab.

If you feel it needs a bit more tweaking go ahead but just dont let the *placebo* effect get to ya
Yaha ed don't tweak too much, the last thing you play with tends to sound the best cos it's new and interesting. Go with your gut when you feel it's ready :D (don't you hate it when you answer exam questions, then change your answer, only to find that your first answer was the right one)
Ark, don't bother. You might be classified under Audio's To-Die listing for people who - "suk", "try their best to confuse u", "mislead u", "not able to give sincere honest opinions here" and finally, he will ask SOFT to do the dirty work for him.

Edder, c'mon! Let it out! If this thread becomes the catalyst for the newest Edder Pedal, I say, it was worth it!
I'm glad I'm missing all this action back home :roll:

Anyways, I just dropped by the Shibuya Ishibashi store - the variety n quality of gear there is MIND BOGGLING 8O They had everything from a Vintage 54 Strat, to Sadowsky basses! And this isn't even considered as a high-end shop 8O