
Hijacking this thread a little :lol: Just curious, other than MrMisse, anyone else locally do customised-length patch cables with flatheads/or those small-size right-angle plugs like that of GL's? (MrMisse! What's the waiting time/availablity of the plugs like? *lol*) :lol:

Cos intially I almost took a plunge in ordering the George L's cable kit for ease of doing cables of my own lengths but after hearing horror stories like suddenly connection came loose/no sound in the middle of a set,'s kinda scary siah...but my priority's mainly reliability and neatness.
If you've read....

the reliability with G Ls stem from the unsoldered joints. Keeping in mind you use the thin cables for patch work... its just the unsoldered joints. Solder them and it will be more sturdy.
oh alright, so what happens to the signal after the buffer? weill it be similiar to a keyboard signal which can run through 100m of cable without any noticeable change of tone?

what is the length of "really long" here? haha i dun wanna push the limitss too much... thinking of 8 to 10 metres
Hi Elias, waiting time for the flathead cables are about 5-7 days now.

After looking through the cable comparisons, i wonder what he saw in Klotz la Grange. I used to use them and they sound fine but reliability was a big issue though. And the cables were thick and super inflexible. Personal preference i guess.

127 strands of braided copper is definitely a visual assurance to me.. 8)
I don't give much shyt for guitar cables.As long as it minimises the feedback noise on
my set up.

Circuit-breakers the way to go for me.and yeah 8 dollars don't last long.

haha.but when i first started out.Murah cheap punya is no1.
No, seriously!

isn't feedback the irritating hum noise.oh

maybe its just the cables or maybe its just me.elightenment please!
Hum is hum (could be radio interference, could be poor grounding of your rig). Feedback is when the sound coming from the amp gets picked up by your guitar and sent back to the amp causing the very loud piercing sound (usually).
Nooooo....!! any cheap cable can make you a rock star mate !!
I heard ol' telephone cable has mojo ...coz it gotz lots of hair ...
Badly sheilded cable can cause noise. Go open up some Horizon cables and see how their shielded. Better yet, go open up those free cables you get when you buy a Yamaha guitar.

Horrible horrible.