
from what i have read thru the 5 pages of this thread...i can only say that everyone has a brand of cables they stand by..some stand by the brand till they find a better 1 then start critising that brand they used to love so much.lets just post wadever brands we like and let it be and not critisise any other brands..

cherns makes great cables and customer service..thats a plus..i used pw cables too..they are ls are great too..all are great amongst their price ranges..lets not make things hard for cherns...he is also trying to make a would u guys like it if u're the 1 selling it & some others question the durability,price people pay for it etc..

whether the muscians are able to hear the diff,its up to them..they paid for it..some dun play it live,just normal bedroom long as they are happy with the purchases its all good.and seeing ll the GeorgeLs and lavacables promoted here..i am sure someone somewhere hates those too.some swear by monster cables..some might say it doesnt make much of a diff,but people still do buy it and artist do use it too..

just my 2cents worth.. :twisted:
lets just post wadever brands we like and let it be and not critisise any other brands..

What? Why?

I mean - you wanna get gear and all you see are flowery ravings about every other piece of equipment?

How to choose then? :roll:

Really - if its bad, blast it. If its average, say it is. If its good, say it is. That's that. Don't be so "nice" and all - doesn't help anyone's decision, and if any, you might just lead someone onto a bad purchase because you never mentioned what's bad abt the product.
ahhh... another heated thread,....

i beg to differ. i believe tht if you dont like it.... dont get it... dont gotta go blasting anyone. because one persons meat is another persons poison. some ppl actually DO LIKE the slight tone cut. some hate it. if a fren of yours wants to buy something u completely hate. simply advise him with sms or pm.dont gotta publically whack him whether in a polite or rude manner. i dont mean to offend anyone here. but , there is no need to kick anyone on their own thread where he is trying to promote his(as anyone who sells anything or provides a service here does) stuff. there truly are other threads for this. personal experience with the product itselfis one thing. but when none has been experienced and all is going by heresay or one mindedness(in any random case). then im sure everyone here n any other forum would agree esp as a seller, tht it would cause alot less friction in ANY way . and the product would have a standing chance tht it is deserved. i know ppl who dislike g l's. and many who love them. but its all personal preferance. every individual in any case would have a different perspective to everything or have a certain budget they have to live by. so with tht said... i have to say... i like planet waves and they do more than the job in my long pedal chain. maybe i just like a little tone suck..... and thts ok
this is so true.
respect other people's opinion.
we all have different views and opinions about stuffs.
ya cant force people to like what ya like.
even a cow knows how to respect the other cow's field grass.
I'm cool with ppl not liking my cables - especially if they've tried it and didn't find it to their taste (which incidentally hasn't happened yet... and I hope never does :lol: ). After all, tone is subjective and whatever floats your boat, floats your boat.

But one thing I can assure you about my custom cables is that if it ever fails on you during the normal course of usage (i.e. there's a manufacturing defect), I'll gladly fix it up for you at no charge.
Haha.. this is hilarious. Okay, then, go on, carry on giving all the great "opinions" and forget useful feedback.

Criticism has become a bad word because people can't stand it when others do not like what they like.

Main problem with skipping criticism - you lose whatever constructiveness there is. Check it out for yourself. Its always either side of the extreme, but on the criticism side - there's where the constructiveness is - and i'd rather be there.

Btw, pedal-itis (is the Android working out for you?), haha... no one is kicking cherns - no one is even complaining about his cables, its actually about the PWs (or planet waves). However, doesn't SOFT have a policy regarding this kind of pardon me, blatant advertising unless you are a sponsor? Is cherns a sponsor? I recall Standard Value doing his advertising here and had to stop.

Oh and G Ls? Isn't the issues with reliability (solderless joints gimick) that make ppl recommend otherwise? Didn't think it was anything to do with ... tone.
well some have said. tht its both reliability(u are right), and well some have said its ... TONE to me.. its just one of those things. but then again..... tone is what ya ears tell u.
What's so bad about Planet Waves' cables that they have to go through this much stick? I've used lousier cables (8 bucks) and though there is a difference, I don't crap on it as if it'll destroy my ears.
has anyone tried the squiggly curly cables that jimmy page used before?? i never tried one. wonder how it fares with normal cables.
Hehehe... so funny. Planet Waves - people having issues with their reliability, valid concerns, and apparently, can't share about it lah, gotta be nice.
eh..have u guys ever tot y this and dat cable sounds different?
is it becoz of the connecting plugs used? the content of the cable? the way its shielded? etc

if u use a canare gs-6 regardless of any plugs, to me, u r safe and u will have good balanced sound coming out from your watever amp u use. if its sounds bright or watever, just tweak ur amp or pedals a bit lah. every problem got a solution one. to me planet waves, evidence or lava or ibanez cables are similarly good. the problem is that we dont have similar pair of ears. compare your ears wif others. its different :p just like thumbprint. and thats a fact.
"planet waves, evidence or lava or ibanez cables are similarly good"?



Has anyone tried to restore lost high high high end? Like say you use el cheapo cables, or the free ones you get when you buy guitar from Swee Lee, those that suck out treble. Is it ... easy to restore that natural sparkle? Can it be done?