Boutique Gear: When did you fall for them?


Booteek la! $50000!

daniel, heard a lot of owners of tube amps use clean boost pedals to break up their amps into that maybe the only difference in usage i some real nice and cheap boosters on tonefactor, by kaden and t c jauernig and some others..haha spoilt for choice, if only there's a boutique pedal store here..
Got for amps... go adelphi and see, then tell them you want to overdrive those amps and wait for the reaction ;)
PatheinRaindropMoe said:
hehe, actually why must emphasize on booteek? I think it cud be driving people away from it though. While i love effect pedal and wanted every one of it out there, i think there shud be more exposure of it in term of what and how each pedal can do cannot do, to enable the player to achieve their expression of self and music instead of the "bootekness" thou.
Just my thought. Dun poke me ok :D

Well, its just because this thread is for the purpose of talking about booteek? heh.

Driving people away from boutique? Its their loss then, to shut off an area of efx/gear that has lots to offer. *shrugs*

If I do seem pro-boutique, its because:
I find what I want thru boutique gear, so likewise I recommend the same to any one who asks "whats a good od pedal?" or "whats the best dirt pedal out there?".
Only when the person asks, "budget pedal recommendation for $XXX only?" then I give the budget alternative which is probably not a boutique thing, like a Tech21 GT-2.
If I find a pedal that I think is truely good, I will recommend it. So though many find a tubescreamer/bad monkey totally awesome, I don't think so and so I don't recommend it at all.
Besides, I find it a joy to possess a pedal where it is nicely (as "nicely" as boutique does) put together with hands and stuff. Call it mojo or whatever, it makes me feel good about the pedal.
Jem007 said:
daniel, heard a lot of owners of tube amps use clean boost pedals to break up their amps into that maybe the only difference in usage i some real nice and cheap boosters on tonefactor, by kaden and t c jauernig and some others..haha spoilt for choice, if only there's a boutique pedal store here..

That would depend on whether you like the breakup tone of your tube amp? :P

I don't do that though. I prefer to run pedals into a totally clean amp, and not have the pedals overdrive the amp.
ahh yeah, i know here you coming from. I also love those mojo stuff and prolly spend close to $10k on just pedals(pooteek or non pooteek). After all the pooteekness, i realised the pedal is just another something for music making.

So i guess for me, the idea of selling the boutique ness sometime is really bollocks to me. But hey, all is cool afterall, as long as the music keep coming :D
yeah i get what you're driving at. everyone's tonal nirvana differs from individual to individual man.

some like it raw
some like it warbly
some like it bleeping to infinity
who cares! 8)
aww shucks. haha there still can be uniqueness! comferm!

shred: yep thats what i meant. ok back to booteek talk!

i was reading the tgp forums and then i stumbled upon a thread discussing compressors and what nots, what are your views on the diff ones out there, and perhaps plus & minus points of them?
Granted, but doesn't mean we don't persue the tone in our heads... :P

Mattias Elkundh is one person which unique tone and chops to boot.
some like compressed, some dont like, some want chicken pickin, some want chuggah chuggah. But whatever it is, avoid using a compressor for increasing sustain if just want sustain.

and i blame it on BOSS :lol:
I would use a compressor to do 1 thing in 2 different context.

I want it to even out my volume.

In the context of cleans, where the steel strings are always softer than the bass strings, i want the compressor to even it out. Usually placed first or as infront as possible in the efx line.

In the context of playing with cleans and distortion, i want the compressor to ensure the volume when switching between clean and distortion, to remain the same. In this case, its placed after the distortion boxes.