Boutique Gear: When did you fall for them?

Hey just a thought here, so wat do you guys consider the range of Visual Sound stuff to be? Boutique, Custom, Mass Weapons of...???
embryo said:
...errrr Thanks! Glad you love it now Namle. :)

Ok guys do be careful with the JH adaptor jack! Please ensure that you switch off the adaptor before pluggin the power in. Trust me on this.

heh what you mean by that ar? the power thing
embryo said:
Hey just a thought here, so wat do you guys consider the range of Visual Sound stuff to be? Boutique, Custom, Mass Weapons of...???
i guess their stuffs are just normal leh i think

because some peopld do dislike the pedals

oh and i think there are some reliablity issue on those stuffs??

but anyway waiting for the workhorse amp to come out

soudns very good in the description
Well like most pedals anyway it's just a way to be more careful as they do blow things up inside if the adptor connectors do short with the metal chassis. Always switch off before plugging in is the safest way around this.
oh yeah true true

sometimes that plugs in contact with metal on the pedal board can create some scary scene and pia! things can go on smoke
I won't say they are at the extreme end of boutique, but at their prices they are going for, I would say probably still boutique. You could argue saying they are made in china, yada yada, but fact is the pedal is built on improved models of classic pedals and given much more. Quality on the pedal's components are also higher than stock Boss. I would think that qualifies?

embryo said:
Well like most pedals anyway it's just a way to be more careful as they do blow things up inside if the adptor connectors do short with the metal chassis. Always switch off before plugging in is the safest way around this.

Yah I agree, I hrd a lot about j&h going up in smoke, as well as the h20. Might wanna be a bit careful with your equip.

Haha, don't flame me if you have this, but how do you find the Maxon and Fulltone stuff? Over-rated?

A small investment firm specializing in offering specific, but limited services to a select number of individuals.

Price has nothing to do with 'boutiqueness'. Echoczar is boutique because you have to wait long long to get one. They are only building for people on a list, not anybody who wants it right away can get it. Same for the Zendrive, Timmy and etc.

The opposite of boutique would be mass production, where you can go into any shop and just buy one without any problems.
I agree that it is the definition which you would use to define small shops, investment firms and so on. However it makes no distinction on quality. Ok I guess price is debatable, but to be fair, if something is specialised, more often than not it is more expensive than in general retail, of cos sometimes its actually cheaper, like MISSE shop. :D

However when you relate to boutique pedals, more often you will find:

1) High cost
2) High Quality
3) Individuality
4) Well-made

Mind you, not all businesses that fall under 'boutique' mean quality and well-made. As you said, its just specialisation. For pedals however, it means a slightly different thing.
I disagree. There are many badly made boutique pedals, it doesn't make them any less boutique.

This looks like it's turning into a discussion on semantics. Why would the English definition of 'boutique' be different here from any other product?

Why don't you just call them 'good quality' pedals then.

If a bald fat naked guy in Ebonia makes 1 shit pedal once a month, that churns out nauseating fuzz and people buy them for $40 each, it would still be boutique.
Which is precisely the point la. You wouldn't wait so long to buy a crap pedal right? I'm not disagreeing with your pure definition, I'm just saying how it would relate to what we are discussing here. Surely we dont give a crap's ass about the poorly made so-called boutique products. What's important here is the association we give to the term in this case.

I'm pointing this out cos if some new guy comes in around here, when we talk about boutique, it should be associated with really good stuff don't you agree?
skink83 said:
Moving ahead, any views on the Fulltone, Maxon stuff?

I think Fu||tone circuits are more like modded clones of other circuits. Maxon stuff is all original though.

Maxon will be better than a similar Ibanez anyday. The parts used are just plain superior.
Randolf uses good quality stuff and he has great experience in the field.

And the guy takes the time off to talk to you about it. <-- That, my friend, is truely priceless.

Yeah, Randolf, if you are reading this, its a boutique service you are providing! Great stuff!
boutique just equates to rarity and usualy that means high cost. When duncans first started out they were boutique cuz he hand wound them and churn out small numbers now hes mass produced. bootique does not necesssay equate to quality.

Louis Vutton is booteek, that does not necessary mean its very good?
Which is precisely the point la. You wouldn't wait so long to buy a crap pedal right? I'm not disagreeing with your pure definition, I'm just saying how it would relate to what we are discussing here. Surely we dont give a crap's ass about the poorly made so-called boutique products. What's important here is the association we give to the term in this case.

I'm pointing this out cos if some new guy comes in around here, when we talk about boutique, it should be associated with really good stuff don't you agree?

No that was not the point. I said people ARE buying them. YOU may not wait so long to buy a crap pedal. YOU may not give a crap's ass about the poorly made product. OTHER PEOPLE do. And so they are continued to be made. And so the english language wins and they are called boutique.

If a new guy comes in and says "hey I heard about xyz pedal. How come I don't see it at swee lee?"

YOU can go ahead and tell him "Because it's a crap pedal made by one guy in a shop so slow and with low quality parts and that I won't want to wait for it."

Most of us here will say it's cos it's a boutique pedal. Then if we like we'll add our OPINION on the quality.


Metasonix butt probe.

Here's a soundclip:

Only 100 were made and sold for about US$450 each. The makers themselves said they used the crappiest tubes they could find as I recall.

I know, we'll call these pedals pooteek, like how 'the others' call it :wink: