Baybeats '08

Fckin' awesome.

Midnight Marvel
Cardinal Avenue
Joy Electric

Amanda Ling = HOT STUFF.
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while u all were at baybeats, i caught great spy experiment at the padang. hahahah. ok i heard siti in the city but didnt really catch a close look.
oh damn, colleen. tough luck. please tell me you hurled vulgarities at him and then kicked him hard on the shin.
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well the crowdsurfing could have been better. there were like random people coming from all directions like woah i had to be like damn alert to support everyone. one even got me in the face. but well, more fun than just standing outside
TequilaSunrise: Agreed. I especially dug Lucksmiths. Never watched them live before and they certainly brought the house down. Killer. Hope they come back soon.

COLLEEN: Heh, with a sprained ankle? The place was hell muddy and they still crowdsurfed. Damn. If they had got to me, I'd have pulled 'em down. Ain't no way I'm getting horseshit-smelling mud over me. Totally fine on the feet but nowhere else.

daryl: Okay vally goody goody. I shall get my friend to crowdsurf next time! Wham! 102.4kg of pure ecstasy! bitter. the crowdsurfing should have been more controlled. but otherwise i dont see why people can't have fun. it was kinda amusing watching those surfers falling to the ground like 3 seconds after. but oh well, they wanted it.

jeepers: but if i saw anyone who pulled anyone down, god damn, i would probably spit in his face. that person should just stand at the back where no one can get to him. it's a damn rock show, you go near the stage, be prepared for some physical contact
HAHAH that's why I was at the back. I'm fine with crowdsurfers, but not crowdsurfers with mud all over them.

Mud is not good. Don't believe what those people say about mud baths/masks. Scammers they all are, I tell you, scammers!