Baybeats '08

ha. anyway i was really happy when electrico played love in new wave and teenage queen. i find myself wanting to hear old material of theirs being played, not that the new stuff isnt good, but i really miss the old stuff. studman, runaway anyone?
ha. anyway i was really happy when electrico played love in new wave and teenage queen. i find myself wanting to hear old material of theirs being played, not that the new stuff isnt good, but i really miss the old stuff. studman, runaway anyone?

no way! they did?! i was guilty-ly sitting down at the arena for the Lucksmiths.
Anyone saw us just now? With lightsticks, and we throw loads of lightsticks during the sets at powerhouse?

Never give me one light stick.Hahaha.Anyway last night was awesome,especially Cardinal Avenue,Faspitch,You and Whose Army,Electrico and Midnight Marvel.Sadly,I can't shoot Faspitch and Electrico because it was dam crowded and I had to shoot Diseased Music and Amber Haze at the chillout stage for KVLT Magazine.Saw a few kids being pulled out of the pit by security during Faspitch.
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took me a while. but my bf dragged me out so i still managed to get out quite safely.. actually my ankle was pretty okay until this morning.

now i can't walk. and i have to miss baybeats day 3 :/
ha. anyway i was really happy when electrico played love in new wave and teenage queen. i find myself wanting to hear old material of theirs being played, not that the new stuff isnt good, but i really miss the old stuff. studman, runaway anyone?

my thoughts exactly!!
Quoted ' This Soil Is Ours, This is our land ' HAHA!

Well yeah! LOVE THE BANDS! POWER. Joy Electric very rocking. The moshers who came just to mosh ... HAHA.. heard the genre, all go back, but some party! Coolness lah. I felt so touched. Music is genreless or Universal.

Saw alot of people too. Caracal peeps is there. WGB is there. ALOT i tell you. MASSIVE!

Too bad, I can't be there. Im in camp now. HAHA. All lightsticks are being thrown away yesterday. Who kena? Confirm tio good luck one.

Thanks Esplande and Baybeats organizer as well as the sponsors for bring this event up. MASSIVE!

PS : Check out nokia's website . And esplanade took some videos of me and the team AHHAHAAH!!

yesss really miss electrico's old sound! kinda funny i was expecting them to play like either runaway or i want you - like their more popular old songs but the ones they played suited me just fine =D

hahaha yeaaa crowdsurfing should be of better quality la.. this one go up a few seconds later only come down ready haha
Rock and roll rock and roll in his eyes in his eyes~

Damn. So the place is freaking muddy? Should i wear slippers or shoes later? :(
don't wear slippers! hahaha i wore mine cause i was from tuition and i got myself involved with all the damn fun moshing and my legs were damn damn muddy ><

OMG there was great spy yesterday?!?! how come i don't know ):
bands were alright, not bad, i still love faspitch the most
anyway, there were alot of stuff that spoilt my mood
the crazy high people in the bus that kept making noise
the smelly muddy ground
me spoiling my new earpiece in the pit
and falling down and not getting picked up..

but i still love the bands..

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